Information Session on Critical Language Scholarships: October 4 @ 4:30pm

Information Session on Critical Language Scholarships

Friday, October 4

Honors Center classroom (second floor conference room of 10 Green Way)



The Critical Language Scholarship Program is an intensive overseas language program for seven to ten weeks each summer. The program sponsors study in critical needs languages, which include Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, Punjabi, and many more. Many programs require no previous language experience in the target language. Participants live and study at over twenty sites abroad, covering the equivalent of a full year of college-level language study in thirteen critical languages.  All CLS Program costs are covered for participants, including: round-trip domestic and international travel; mandatory pre-departure orientation in Washington, DC; applicable visa fees; room and board; seven to ten weeks of group-based intensive language instruction; course materials; all costs associated with the CLS cultural program; and a small living stipend. Information about the application process is available at:  Application deadline is November 20th. Contact Dr. Vander Zee in the Office for Nationally Competitive Awards ( for help with your application.


Dr. Anton Vander Zee
Honors College Faculty Fellow
Asst. Professor of English
Director of Nationally Competitive Awards
College of Charleston
22B Glebe St. Room 202



In!Genius Event Features our own Critical Languages Scholarship Recipient! TODAY

Free event celebrates discovery and creativity at the College of Charleston 

For a group of six College of Charleston students, faculty and alumni, success means fostering an innovative idea from inception to reality – and then watching that idea change the world. On September 25, 2013 this group will share their experiences with the public for the second In!Genius forum, a demi-annual College of Charleston event.

From developing apps that attracts a million users to leveling the playing field for children with Down syndrome to empowering impoverished communities, the speakers for fall 2013’s In!Genius will deliver exciting, inspirational stories from unexpected perspectives. In!Genius is a free event open to the public that will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by an after party at 6:30 p.m. RSVP to is required for the after party.Screen Shot 2013-09-23 at 4.51.21 PM

Speakers will include student Elizabeth Burdette, student Will Jamieson, student-professor team Syl Foster and Cynthia Hall ‘95, alumnus and professor Quentin Baxter ‘98, professor Alison Piepmeier and alumnus Ham Morrison ‘98. Alumna and ESPN reporter Angela Mallen ‘02 will emcee the event.

About the presenters:

Critical Languages Scholarship Program winner Elizabeth Burdette has studied Hindi and Indian culture for more than two years. Burdette’s scholarship allowed her to study in Jaipur, India during the summer 2013 term, where she furthered her goal of becoming involved in social justice. [Watch her lecture!]

[Related: Two Students Earn Scholarships to Study Critical Languages]

Computer science major Jamieson will discuss his mobile app for Android, called Front Flash, that boasts more than 5,000 photos taken daily in 56 countries. As of summer 2013, Jamieson’s app was expected to reach one million users.

[Related: Computer Science Major’s App on Track for One Million Users]

Syl Foster and Cynthia Hall will speak about their research on the potential effects of rising seas on coastal regions. Foster, a geology and political science double major and environmental geology and Spanish double minor, has specifically studied how a rising sea level affects delicate wetland systems.

[Related: Immersed in Discovery]

Quentin Baxter ‘98, percussion professor and musical director of the Charleston Jazz Initiative has been drumming his whole life. During his 42 years in Charleston, Baxter has transformed the arts scene by educating audiences and playing in jazz bands with renowned artists worldwide.

[Related: Read Baxter’s bio here]

Alison Piepmeier, director of the women’s and gender studies program, has blogged about her daughter’s development and experience with Down syndrome for years. An expert in a field dedicated to studying gender parity, Piepmeier is well prepared to take on other inequalities she encounters, specifically by working toward equality for children with Down syndrome.

[Related: Read Piepmeier’s blog here]

Whether he’s a property manager who races on the side or a racecar driver who manages historic properties on the side, Ham Morrison ’98 is hard at work. He has placed in the top 10 on speedways across South Carolina and followed his passion for competitive racing since graduating from The College of Charleston.

[Related: The Thrill of the Chase]

For more information, visit the In!Genius website.

“Israel-Palestine: What the Media Leave Out”

On Friday, April 19, at 3PM in ECTR 116, award winning journalist and media critic Alison Weir will discuss what American news media are not revealing about Israel-Palestine. The press is arguably the most powerful institution in the United States; it provides the kinds of information that Americans use to form their conclusions about issues and candidates seeking election. Weir will detail the media’s filtering that prevents the public from receiving the full facts on Israel-Palestine; she will also discuss the systemic and structural causes of the situation.


Veteran journalist Alison Weir is the Executive Director of “If Americans Knew,” a non-profit organization that specializes in statistical and factual information on Israel-Palestine and the media’s coverage of the region. Weir is also President of the Council for the National Interest, a group founded 19 years ago by congressmen and ambassadors to work for foreign policies not dominated by special interests. Weir’s speeches have included briefings on Capitol Hill and to the National Press Club and presentations at the Asia Media Summit in Kuala Lumpur and Beijing. She has lectured at several universities including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Berkeley and the Naval Postgraduate Institute. Weir is generally considered the foremost analyst on media coverage of Israel-Palestine. Her articles have appeared in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, CounterPunchThe New Intifada, Censored 2005, and the Encyclopedia of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. She narrated the award-winning documentary Occupation 101.


Alison Weir’s appearance is co-sponsored by the College of Charleston’s Department of Sociology and Anthropology, the Office of Institutional Diversity, and Charleston Peace One Day. The lecture will be followed by an informal reception.


Sidney Rittenberg: Screening “The Revolutionary”

 Sidney Rittenberg

Screening: The Revolutionary

Monday, April 15, 2013 at 7:00PM

Stern Center Ballroom

The Yaschik/Arnold Jewish Studies Program is sponsoring a documentary screening of The Revolutionary, followed by a lecture from the film’s subject, native Charlestonian Sidney Rittenberg.

Sidney Rittenberg arrived in China as a GI Chinese language expert at the end of World War II. Discharged there, he joined the Chinese Communist Party, and was an active participant in the Chinese communist revolution and its aftermath. An intimate of the Party’s leadership, including Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, he gained prominence at the Broadcast Administration, one of the most important agencies of government. But in the convulsions of a giant country constantly reinventing itself, he twice ran afoul of the leadership, and served a total of 16 years in solitary confinement. He returned to the United States in 1980. –

The event is co-sponsored by the Asian Studies Program, International Studies, and the School of Languages, Cultures and World Affairs. Please encourage your students and colleagues to attend what promises to be a fascinating evening.
