Summer Course Offerings in Asian Studies

If you are looking to take a class or two over the summer, please look over this list of courses which are approved for the Asian Studies minor/Asia concentration to see which classes can count towards your degree progress.

Asian Studies Courses Summer 2014

Course Title Term Meeting Time Professor
POLI 359.01 ST: Chinese Politics in Film MAYMESTER MTWRF 8:30-12 LIU
ARST 273.01 The Role of the Qu’ran in Contemporary Islam SUMMER I ONLINE ABUHAKEMA
LTAR 250.01 Arabic Literature in Translation May 14 – June 6 MOROCCO ATTAFI

If you’ve been debating studying abroad, please note that the Center for International Education has extended its deadline for registration to March 15. Contact them today to sign up for a CofC Study Abroad program!

Study Abroad Courses Summer 2014

Additionally, some of these study abroad trips may be applied to your degree progress, however, check with your Department Chair before pursuing these opportunities.  Additionally, there may be pre-requisite courses for these classes:


POLI 359: Poor Peoples’ Movements (for POLI majors)

PSYC 410: The developmental challenges of poverty and conflict (for PSYC majors)

POLI 379/PSYC 410: Emerging from Violence



INTB 360: Big Emerging Market in China

MKTG 360: Doing Business in China



GEOL 240 + lab: Water Resources & Pollution in the Developing World (for undergrad non-majors)

GEOL 395 + lab: Water Resources & Pollution in the Developing World (for undergrad majors)