Finding a Major

As a freshman in college I was expected to be a biology major. With a brother in medical school and a sister in dental school, it was almost a family tradition. But, after a year of fulfilling my first year biology requirements, I knew that the major was not for me. But, then came the next dilemma in my life. If I was not going to go into the medical field, what was I going to do with my life? Although this question lingered over my head, the first question I needed to answer was what I was going to major in. I knew that the math and science fields were not of much interest to me, but the College of Charleston’s extensive list of arts and humanities majors did not help lessen the search of possible majors.

It was not until my English 102 class that I realized what subject I wanted to studied.  It was almost like an epitome, I was sitting in class imagining what classes I would take for the following semester and I realized that the class I was sitting was the last English class I would take for the rest of my life. The idea was unsettling for me. I did not want English 102 to be the last English class I ever took. I loved the discussion on Atonement and World War II poetry. I relished in ripping apart every perspective a soldier could have written a poem in and then analyzing each perspective to interpret a different meaning to the work. I found that English captured the moments of history better than the history books themselves, because English does not analyze actual events, but rather the emotions and feelings that those events had on individuals. English captures history on a much more intellectual level. As I prepare to graduate in May with my English degree, I am lucky to be so captivated my a major that still keeps me yearning for more, after all four years.

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Gettin’ Learned with Granny


I spent a lot of time with my grandmother, my Granny, when I was young. To this day, I hold on to a card that she wrote me on my twelfth birthday, urging me to “do good in your schooling, it’s something you’ll need the rest of your life.” When I was just getting up to the age that kids learn to read, Granny took me to a teacher supply store and let me pick out some ‘learning to read’ workbooks. I still remember her paying for them by pulling out her old floral coin purse, counting dollar bills and change out onto the counter. For whatever reason, I also remember the conversation Granny had with my Daddy when he came to pick me up that night. I can still hear her telling him “Rachel got real learned on her spelling today.” I think I remember this so well because at this moment I realized that “learned” wasn’t the correct word to use in that sentence. It didn’t sound like the sentences in the books. Maybe this was the beginning of my realization that Granny was pushing me towards something that she never had the opportunity to achieve. She moved to South Carolina from North Carolina as a young teenage girl with her twin sister Melba. They worked on a farm, where they met their husbands – Granny married my Pop and her sister married his brother. And that was it – seemingly, wifehood and eventually motherhood became Granny’s career. This isn’t to say that Granny’s life was not meaningful or fulfilling, because I truly believe that it was. But I have to wonder why it was so important to her that I become educated, so much so that she would struggle to “learn” me as long as she could. So, I guess what I’m getting at is that lately I feel like I’m reading towards something, as if every book I consume is fueling my journey towards unraveling this great mysterious realm of knowledge that Granny wanted me to pursue. What would Granny have read other than the Bible? Which books would fill her shelves other than hymnals? I can’t really know, but I’m glad that she cared enough to make me wonder about where l could go with literacy and education. But it’s funny to me that, as a sophomore in college, I spend less and less time thinking about where my education could take me and more time thinking about where it didn’t take her.

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Required Reading Ain’t So Bad

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”

Like most children, I enjoyed reading, but when it came to English classes in school I always resisted the assigned reading material and opted for a Choose Your Own Adventure book instead, which lead me to rely heavily on Cliff Notes to get by.  My eighth grade English class came close to getting me interested in books with some literary value with assigning S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders  (which is still one of my favorites), but that was followed by Dicey’s Song by Cynthia Voigt and my distaste for required reading was renewed.  It wasn’t until my sophomore year in high school when Mr.Krasnansky handed me a copy of The Great Gatsby that I gave required reading a chance and an interest in literature quickly developed.  Not only did I fall in love with the story, its characters, its era, but with the ideas that were beneath all of Fitzgerald’s details and Nick Carraway’s narration.  Writing became a legitimate art form to me after reading this book.  I began to realize the power literature had to heighten the senses and our consciousness and lead us to question and to think beyond our daily and common practices as human beings.  The style of Fitzgerald’s writing together with his social critique of the American Dream and high society strips down the characters’ rich identity in a way that reveals an unfulfilled human being in the endless search of attainment.  His interpretation of modern society’s corruption and the devaluing the dream of the individual in favor of material and monetary wealth was a profound idea to an impressionable sophomore.  I began to see my own green light above the horizon and became more aware of the threat of society’s imposition upon my values and hopes for the future.   This was also my first encounter with Modernism and shortly after my reading of Fitzgerald I read an e.e. cummings poem and I immediately fell in love with poetry.  “Somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond” left me speechless once I reached the final stanza, and as it was with Fitzgerald’s fiction, it was the language and style of Cummings that I responded to the most.  His pastoral images of the struggles of love creates and emotional tension that as a love-sick teenager I immediately sympathized with, but beyond that, I had never before seen words capture so beautifully and intimately the uncertainties and certainties of human emotion. That poem’s level of writing and intimacy is what I hope to [someday] achieve in my own poetry.  So here’s to you F.Scott and e.e.: if I hadn’t read your work, I’d probably be majoring in communications.

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Memory in Frederick Douglass’ Narrative

     Many coaxers present in modern day society were not available in Douglass’ time.  The paper trail each of us leaves behind on a daily basis did not exist in Douglass’ day, and certainly not for a slave or even someone who was poor, such as a freed black man.   This makes memory much more important in Douglass’ perception of himself, and his story as he related it. 

     For most people, even whites back in Douglass’ time, some sort of document existed to verify when and where that person was born.  Douglass relied on memory, other people’s memories in fact, to verify this most basic of personal details.  He begins his narrative by stating that “I was born in Tuckahoe, near Hillsborough, and about twelve miles from Easton, in Talbot country, Maryland.”  He opens with this assertion not only because it is logical, but also to immediately enforce his own humanity upon his presumably white reader.  He goes on to discuss how he doesn’t even know his own name, and how this was a common tactic by slave holders to strip slaves of their humanity.

   In reading about this tactic, we are reminded of the importance of memory in all facets of our existence.  If the slaves couldn’t remember their African cultural heritage, their languange, indeed their very freedom as a people, then this made them much easier to hold in bondage.  By stripping them of their memory, you strip them of their identity.  Once they have no identity, slave-holders simply created one for them by giving them Christian names and telling them they are meant by God to be faithful servants.  It is for this reason that African customs and languages were banned, as well as educating slaves. 

    Another example of this stripping of memory and identity is the seperation of families, particularly mothers from children.  If you have no memory of your mother, your identity will be even more barren of role models of any kind, save for the slave master. 

     These tactics and strategies used by slave-owners were brutal but effective.  Studying them now serves to remind us of the importance of memory in the identity of not only an individual, but a people.  It reminds us that even something we take for granted, such as memory, can be taken from us and is a freedom we should all be thankful for.

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Douglass & Trauma

In Frederick Douglass’ slave narrative, the early years of his life are filled with severe traumatic experiences. The narrative is straightforward and written in clear terms, which is astonishing given how horrific his childhood was growing up as a slave. In Smith and Watson’s Reading Autobiography, trauma can be recounted in a resolved manner (250). When Douglass’ mother dies, he is not present for “her death, or burial” (341). Since their relationship was distant, the death of his mother is likened to “the death of a stranger” (341). The lack of familial knowledge and emotion between a slave mother and child was normal, according to Douglass; the mystery surrounding who is father is also important factor in his identity (340). He grows up as an orphan essentially, which is probably why he became such a strong individual, only having himself to rely on to survive.

In Douglass’ account of his aunt’s abuse, the reader understands that this is one case among thousands. When Douglass witnesses Aunt Hester’s brutal beatings, he in turn witnesses the social injustice of being a slave on a on a plantation and having no voice (344). His aunt was beaten constantly to make her submissive; slaves were meant to be controlled bodies used for whatever efficient means necessary. So, when Mr. Auld tells his wife that she shouldn’t teach Douglass how to read, it’s to keep him down, uneducated and unaware of his potential (364). It’s incredibly damaging to realize that not only your physical body, but your mind is meant to be captive and limited.

I also see a reaction against the trauma that slaves endured through their slave songs. Prior to getting their freedom, the use of song can be literally one of the few ways that slaves were able to have a voice. According to Douglass, the songs he heard weren’t always articulate, but the immense amount of “woe” was translated nonetheless: “The songs of the slave represent the sorrows of his heart” (349-350).

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A Good Education or Finding My Love of Literature in The Magus

My father always said to me, “Son, if there is one thing I am going to give you, it is a damn good education.”  This is why he sent me to Porter-Gaud.  For those of you who are not from Charleston, Porter-Gaud is an episcopal prep school located on the banks of the Ashley River just outside of downtown in West Ashley.  Thanks to my well behaved class, it gained the nickname Porno-Gaud when I was in high school, but that is a different story.

Needless to say, I hated Porter-Gaud.  Well at least I hated 6th through 12th grade.  I mean let’s be honest, middle school and high school can be terrible times of awkward puberty, gangly limbs, and acne, but that it not what made me so miserable at my school.  I felt stuck.  I felt like I had been put in the wrong box and no one would let me get out of it.  I went to my parents multiple times begging them to send me to School of the Arts, Academic Magnet, or even Wando for God’s sake, but my pleas were to no avail.  My Dad would just look at me and smile and say, “Son, I am going to give you a good education.”  And you know what, I actually did get a really good education.  I loved all my teachers, excelled in the classroom, but Dad did not understand that there is more to learning, more to adolescence, than what happens in the classroom, and I knew that I was in the wrong place but could not convince my dad of my anguish (I was a bit melodramatic back then).

However, there was one man who made my entire twelve years worth it: Dr. Slayton.  I think everyone can immediately recall their favorite English teacher in high school (at least I am assuming that most English majors can easily do this), and Dr. Slayton was so much more than just an English teacher.  With his constant mind games and love of Freud, he treated us as adults and taught us to read as critical, emotional, and artistic thinkers.  He held a book club Wednesday mornings at 7 before school started, and it was considered a great honor to be chosen for this book club.  Somehow I got chosen and it was this little group of people meeting together in the wee hours of the morning munching on donuts and discussing literature that made me want to pursue English in college.  More specifically, there is one book that Dr. Slayton taught in this book club that made me want to be an English scholar.  It was not Of Mice and Men or Catcher in the Rye, but John Fowles’ The Magus. With its Freudian undertones, sexual content, and Jungian premise, not too many English teachers would attempt to teach this book to high school students, but Dr. Slayton put this book in our hands and watched as we ran with it.  I still have not engaged in the kinds of conversation at the College of Charleston that we had in this 12th grade English book club.  These were seventeen year olds discussing Freudian versus Jungian Psychology and how that related with the New Critical ideas of the text.  Dr. Slayton showed me that there were so many different ways to view one piece of literature opening up a new way of reading and a new world of reading, and he did so with the help of The Magus.  So if you are looking for a great read this summer I highly recommend checking it out.

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Can I just read it myself?

I remember my mom and dad reading to me every night before I went to bed when I was a young child. I had a bed so large (“She’ll grow into it,” they said, eyeing the bargain price) that it took a step stool for me to get into it, and next to my bed was a small white bookshelf, slowly filling up with the books given to me by friends and family. I was desperate to learn how to read, and I distinctly recall the feeling of orienting myself to a written page before I knew what all the letters meant. The pictures told me which was to hold the book, but the words themselves remained a mystery. I remember tracing the slick, black letters with my chubby finger as my parent’s voice revealed their meanings.

My dad had a typewriter he used for work, and sometimes, when he was away, my mom would feed some paper into the machine and let me pound away. Occasionally, she would guide my fingers to the keys, showing me which ones to press to write my favorite words or my name. Once, I found sheets of this typing in a crate of old pictures, jumbled and crooked meaningless amalgamations of letters interspersed with “Crystal,” “puppy,” “Mommy,” and “toes,” often overlapped with crayon doodles like some kind of palimpsest. These were some of my earliest written words.

After my first day of kindergarten, I returned home with complaints that my teacher said that “yellow” was “yeller” and that I wouldn’t be allowed in the library until second grade. My parents sent me to another school. I drank in the lessons from the small readers that smelt like white rice, and soon our nightly reading sessions became a partnership. One night, I got so excited about the story that I wanted to finish it more quickly, and I asked my mom “Can’t I just read it myself?” Suddenly, the world had opened up. I read everything! Over the next years, teachers accused me of taking speed-reading courses and students accused me of being a nerdy bookworm, but I always knew the truth: I had discovered a passion and a path into the worlds beyond my own.

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A Bookworm.

I’ve always loved to read. My grandmother was a librarian, and both of my parents (who I’ve always admired) can hardly ever be found without a book in hand. During summers I used to read a novel a day, and more if I could find the time. I loved getting lost in stories, and often became so absorbed in books that I would literally lose track of time, my surroundings, everything. I was called out in elementary school for trying to read in class more times than I care to remember.

In middle school, I reached a reading plateau. Nothing inspired me, and I became frustrated with school because I hated being forced to read – I wanted to read because I wanted to, not because I had to. When Harry Potter came out, I had absoltuely zero interest in the series. I was never into fantasy type books and the whole idea seemed stupid and childish for cool 12-year-old me. My grandmother bought me the first book and told me to read the first chapter. After that, I was free to stop reading if I didn’t like it. The first short chapter seemed doable, so I reluctantly agreed. I admitted to my grandmother that it was alright – good enough to read the second chapter. Then it was good enough to read the third, then the fourth, then I finished the book that day. I had a whole new respect for books and writing in general. The fact that J.K. Rowling could create an entire world was beyond comprehension.

I’m forever grateful to my grandmother for not only introducing me to Harry Potter, but for teaching me to be open-minded. Since then, I’ve discovered so many amazing books that are way out of the genre realm I’m naturally drawn to. Without my grandmother’s insistence on me trying something new, I would have missed out on so many beautiful stories.

(I’m still not crazy about reading because I have to instead of because I want to, but four years of college English will do that to a person.)

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I like Reading, Sort of

I don’t love reading.  It’s ok, a decent way to pass some time.  Let’s say better than most TV, but not a mediocre movie (Patrick Swayze will always trump Hemingway).  My mom is big reader, a former english teacher.  My dad is not, and with a wink from my historical “I”, I of course fall in the middle.  But why then am I an English major (something I’ve asked myself even more than my parents)?  I think the answer is split into two parts.  The part I’m focusing on, even though it is the main topic of this post, only accounts for a minuscule portion of the decision.  The big part, what some might call the ‘real reason’ I am a English major is because I like Shakespeare to write.  Boring, self-explanatory, moving on.  But the other part, despite being minor, speaks to the revelatory aspect of literacy.  The way it can give someone agency in their life, a thirst for knowledge and the means to quench it.  This second part, as you have probably already guessed, is Harry Potter.  My mother is to blame.  She bought me the first three Harry Potter’s, possibly because she was an English teacher whose son spent most of his time making friends watching SNL reruns.  Of course (=excuse), I was young. I read those books and got hooked, like many other people my age did.  But the books themselves didn’t do too much for me.  They are fun, but not life changing.  It was the time in between the books that changed me.  As every Harry Potter fan knows, there is usually about a two year break, sometimes longer, between each book and my hyper eleven year old self filled those initial Harry Potter hiatuses by reading other books.  Crazy books for an eleven year-old; Vonnegut, Shakespeare, even The Old Man and the Sea.  And, after about a solid year or so of reading my mom’s classics and my sister’s college books, I totally burned out and stopped cold.  Until college.  When I decided I wanted to read for the next four years of my life.

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Empowering Frederick Douglass: Knowledge

The autobiographical tool of knowledge appears and plays a highly influential role in ‘The Life of Frederick Douglass.’  As Smith and Watson state, this tool questions aspects of knowledge such as source, cultural context, different forms (worldly, self, etc.), and effect.  In the beginning of Douglass’ life, his only knowledge is that of the slave world and their duties.  He knows the land, the families, and the brutal ways of life as a slave.  The passages on page 364 of this narrative embody Douglass’ shift towards literate knowledge in important and influential ways.  He begins to grasp the concept of learning and of literate knowledge by the good graces of Mrs. Auld, who teaches him the alphabet.  From here he branches out to forming words under her aid. Within this time however, Mr. Auld makes a comment that forever changes his concept of knowledge, self, and identity.  Mr. Auld professes, “‘If you give a n***** an inch, he’ll take an ell. A n***** should know nothing but to obey his master–to do as he is told to do. Learning would spoil the best n***** in the world. . .It would forever unfit him to be a slave. He would at once become unmanageable, and of no value to his master. . .”  Mrs. Auld afterwards refuses to teach him, so he teaches himself how to read and write, with the help of some neighbor boys.  This was a huge achievement for a slave at this time in history and marks a turn towards change for Douglass and others.  He provides readers with a glimpse into the culture of that specific historical time, relating in detail economic conditions on the plantations (crops sold, etc.), what certain cities were like, the conditions of slavery (living, selling, etc.), and the simple fact that newspapers were widely read and gives a few samples of book titles.  It is within this period of learning that he begins to question his own life, his own state as a slave, and his identity.  He writes, “From that moment, I understood the pathway from slavery to freedom.”  Douglass admits that the simple act of learning to read and write and of the knowledge Mr. Auld unintentionally imparts on him had a great effect on him. Here he starts to realize the sad, trapped state of slaves due to their ignorance and the power the masters have over them because of this, and aims to turn things around.  This is a great revelation in the span of his life, one that leads him later to free himself from slavery and claim a new life. He gains learning and knowledge that leads him to realizing self-knowledge, which he later relates to every one of his readers. With a little help in the beginning from a kind woman, he managed to teach himself how to read and write, an empowering form of knowledge.  For Frederick Douglass, it was knowledge that freed him and changed his life so completely, and that he later uses to help other slaves.

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