Blog 8

In my ripe old age, after 2.5 completed years of college, I found myself at first too stubborn for this course. One accumulates many research papers over the course of several semesters, however as others have expressed I do wish I had taken 299 at the beginning of my sophomore year. While I had a loose understanding of the general concepts we covered prior to the course I now feel I have a strong hold on them. I feel moving forward I will be a more confident writer and English major. I will more aggressively use terms like postmodern, postcolonial, and meta. Completeing this course was like eating steamed kale- Kind of hard to chew, but full of good healthy stuff.

I really appreciated the fact that we had so much liberty in our final research. This I felt allowed us to break out in to our individual interests, and become even more nerdy about them. I felt doing my final research paper on Drive, I became more confident as a film student, using the visual cues I knew and the analytical skills I have gained from 299.

On a side note, I think I learned about 5 new vocabulary words from Sue-Im Lee’s article. Woo!

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