All Posts, Project Management

First year In

So, I’ll start off by saying it has been just about a year and a half since my last post. It has been quite an eventful period of time with the whole shutting down the world basically and dealing with the impact on the College of Charleston due to that. Additionally, I have been spending the time trying to absorb as much as I can from my coworkers to further improve myself.

Well 2020 was certainly a year that took place, even with the microcosm that is the PMO office at CofC there was a lot of changes taking place. At the end of 2019 we got a PMO director in Brittany who has brought a lot more stability to the College. Going into the year we were working on finalizing the business units that we were to be aligned with for the year with the big ones that I received being Admissions, Facilities, and the Graduate School. Outside of those I have a litany of small ones as well but the bulk of my time has been taking up by these organizations as well as the projects that came my way. Throughout the year I was involved with projects that involved bringing a mobile based platform to replace my.cofc, updating our scholarship system, updating our facilities management system, and working on our Access Control project… to name a couple.

Within these projects I have been expanding the knowledge that I have learned throughout the year. I have worked on creating Requirement Traceability Matrix documentation, testing documentation, and vendor scoring documentation. This knowledge has been supplemented, greatly, by working with Jill Tartaglini and Shawn Embrey helping me with any questions I may have. They have been absolutely amazing with working with me throughout the year, as well as just fun people to talk to.

Outside of working on projects and working with my business units a lot of 2020 was focused on self evaluation and realizing what our strengths and weaknesses are. We came into 2020, besides being filled with optimism (oh how naive we were), taking an assessment to determine our strengths as found through a test by CliftonStrengths. Through this I found that my five biggest strengths were: Adaptability, Context, Harmony, Intellection, and Input. I’ll make another post where I go through what each of these mean. I do have to say that I am grateful that Adaptable was number one because I really needed to test that this year. To sum them up real fast though:

Adaptability — You are able to go with the flow and be in the “now”

Context — To make decisions today I look on how similar decisions, projects, designs, etc made in the past

Harmony — I look and strive to make decisions that are agreeable with all parties

Intellection — I like to have intellectual discussions

Input — I like to gather information and knowledge in areas

Just to note my five weaknesses are: Significance, Ideation, Futuristic, Achiever, and Learner. Once again I’ll make a post where I go through these and discuss how I think they may be relevant to me. Outside of this, we have also taking quick tests to determine where our skill level lies as a BA as given by an exam by IIBA. Unfortunately I do not have those results saved anywhere.

These tests have given me a great point to understand better who I am intrinsically as well as where I need to focus some more of my energy to make sure that I keep improving at a rate that I approve of. Outside of determining strengths and IIBA tests I have further engrossed myself into the German language and am now taking German 201 at CofC and am looking to get my first business related certification through trident. When that starts I am hoping to make some posts about that as well!


Hopefully I will keep this up to date and keep working on just improving some of the CSS within this page to make it look better. Until then enjoy your day!





All Posts, Project Management

First official few days!

My role as a business analyst is still very new to me (today is my third day!) but every day I am growing a little bit more into the role. My first project was given to me in this past month and completed with minimal complications. I was assigned to work on a software request to see if the user needed a new asset management solution not currently available at the college. My partner and I worked diligently meeting with several departments that use different asset management solutions. After meeting with different representatives from each department we had enough information to make an informed decision for our requester. The main systems we ended up evaluating were TeamDynamix and AssetWorks. TeamDynamix didn’t fill several basic requirements so we immediately struck it from our usable systems. On the other hand, AssetWorks had many features that were requested but was also missing several essential pieces that our requester was asking for. After weighing the pros and cons, we concluded that our requester would be better served using their own system instead of getting them onto one of our current contracts across campus.

This request gave me some insight into my future dealings at the college, if even only a small taste.  I met with several different people across a range of departments to gain knowledge and information to make the most informed decision I could. Unfortunately, this project did not require me to make a PID or an official document yet, but I’m sure one will be coming my way soon.

Currently, I just got assigned two projects. One is very similar to my last request, but to truly judge that  I need to find what that requestors specific needs are due to the request being quite vague.  I have also heard grumblings that there will be a major project coming my way which I am excited to learn about. I am excited to be able to work on a project from beginning to end so I can really get my hands dirty with the processes of being a BA.

Another part I am excited for is that starting at the end of this month  I, along with several of my coworkers, will be enrolled in an IIBA class to help improve and develop our individual BA skills. Any way in which I can improve myself as an individual and to improve myself as a member of the team is exciting to me.

I’m spending a lot of time being a secondary on many different projects currently as well, but that’s all for the time being.