Some Dos and Don’t of Research

Dos and Don’ts of Research

  • Run multiple searches using distinct keyword combinations and cycling through multiple databases and the library Catalog.
  • Don’t use JSTOR! (okay, or don’t only use JSTOR)
  • Use Library Guides to seek out the most relevant databases for your field; start with Academic Search Premier and then build out from there.
  • Search the library Catalog in addition to Databases using separate searches. The Catalog is especially useful for finding books in the library collection.
  • Explore linked keywords and subject headings within individual records. Combine keywords to narrow your results.
  • Use the tools on the left-side of most databases to help narrow your search.

Remember: EBSCO is not a database. It is a search platform used by many different databases. In your Research Progress Reports, do your best to identify the actual database you are using.

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