I was utterly amazed and revelation as the sun rose beyond the horizon, illuminating the placid waters of the lake with a golden glow. My childhood summers were characterized by the yearly journey to a primitive camp deep in Tennessee. This picturesque refuge, with its towering pine trees and softly crashing waves, served as the […]
Archive | SLN Project
The universal language
As the crowd cheers and the lights dim for our final song of the night, I look around and take a minute to think about everything that has led up to this point. I am performing at Chris’ Jazz Cafe, the longest standing continuously open jazz bar in Philadelphia. Me and my jazz combo had […]

The voice my Sister gave me
I was three years old when my two youngest sisters were born, one of my earliest recollections is staying with my grandparents playing with a toy kitchen set while my mom was at the hospital. I remember after my mom and dad came home from the hospital and I held my sisters in my arms. […]

Becoming Happier with Myself by Adopting and Healthier Lifestyle
I grew up running around sport’s bars that my dad owned. My brother’s and I would go around busing tables and play with the walkie talkies. There were pros and cons to my dad’s career. My favorite pro was of course all the free food we always would get. Though, the downside was my dads […]

Healing in the Rhythms of Nature and Art
Growing up, I was always fascinated by many sorts of artwork. Artwork has long been an effective means of expressing ideas, feelings, and critiques. My love of nature and art compelled me to visit additional art museums. When I went to an art display in my hometown, it reminded me of when I lived on […]

Experiencing is Learning: Becoming more Sustainable
I have been surrounded by plants my whole life. When I think of my childhood certain memories come to my mind, specifically in my childhood back yard. I picture our swing set that was set in the back corner surrounded by wood chips, the wonky shaped pool that took up the middle grounds, a row […]

Coming to America
Nana Nkrumah English 110 Dr. Vanderzeeal 02/02/2024 Coming to America This tale harkens back to the Black Sheep year when a newborn entered the world in the small town of Accra, nestled in Africa’s Ghana. The country was known for its tranquility and numerous activities. In the vibrant streets of “Kanation Circle,” the pleasing […]

The Airport As My Classroom
Many of the first chapters of my life were written in the Boston Logan Airport, a place that unwittingly became the setting for many of my lessons in independence and literacy. I end up there again with my father when a summer visit with him in Charlotte goes by too quickly. My dad would bring […]

Growing Up in and Growing Out of Florida
Just less than a year ago, my days consisted of finishing up high school, working a part-time job, and spending weekends with my friends at the place I’ve always called home, the beach. One stretch of sand in particular, has held a special place in my heart for most of my teenage life, because it […]

The Roots are Still Alive
Looking off our back porch directly into the forest is something I’ll never forget. The oak trees extended their arms welcoming my family and me into their familiar embrace. My childhood home was conveniently placed directly beside the New Jersey state forest just walk past our property line and you would enter the trees that […]
The Truth of America’s Healthcare Sustainability
A disease is defined by Merriam Webster as “a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms.” (Merriam Webster) I do not like this definition. This definition does not describe how a disease […]

It all Started With a Plant
My mother had many hobbies; I was used to her bringing home a new crafting tool or activity. Soon after she brought something home, she would usually give me her creations: a knitted hat, stickers from her cricket, and a T-shirt with a design she made. I treasured these gifts, but I had little interest […]

Roots of Resilience
The sound of gunshots and distant explosions disrupted my sleep. It was already a week that the started happening. The people were not happy, the government had recently passed a tax reform that as always benefited the rich and cruelly taxed the less advantaged, and riots erupted throughout the main street and center of […]

The Fine Line Between Starving and Sustainability
Was I starving for attention? An emotional catharsis? A sustainable way to maintain my new lifestyle of complete and utter hunger? By the age of thirteen, I was no stranger to the feeling of emptiness that preceded the pure euphoria of starving myself. Of course, by the age of fourteen, I was no stranger to […]

Building Community in An Isolated Society
I had never felt more disconnected. It was my first day of class as a Junior at my new school. I hadn’t been in a brick-and-mortar school for 6 months. Everyone was required to sit 6 feet apart. All assignments were switched from lectures and activities to watching videos online with headphones. Everyone was wearing […]