Author Archive | mendelsonba

Corporate Ownership in America

The Gilded Age was a period of American history from the late 1800’s to early 1900’s. This period was known for a select few companies that formed true monopolies on their respective industries, and allowed little to no small businesses to venture into the industry. The three titans of this era were JP Morgan in […]

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The Last Supper

Brett Mendelson Rhetorical Situation Analysis Professor Vander Zee 3-12-24 The Last Supper The piece that I have selected to analyze is Leonardo Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper”. This seemingly simple depiction of a scene from the Bible has layers far beyond what appears at the first glance. This piece was commissioned by the Duke of […]

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The universal language

As the crowd cheers and the lights dim for our final song of the night, I look around and take a minute to think about everything that has led up to this point. I am performing at Chris’ Jazz Cafe, the longest standing continuously open jazz bar in Philadelphia. Me and my jazz combo had […]

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