I wrote my DIAC on a college student’s mental health. Including recent studies and information on why it has been declining over these past few years. I want to interview my friends by asking them 3 basic questions about their mental health (Listed below). I will talk to them about it and inform them on […]
Author Archive | Alex Cieplinski

Students’ Mental Health in the Digital Age
Throughout the years technology has grown drastically. Decreasing the demanding use of paper across the globe, making Apple and Microsoft become booming companies. Offices and schools filled with varieties of technology in workspaces. Technology keeps evolving and will eventually make our future world a better place. New inventions are made with technology daily. The new […]

Clothing is for Everyone: One Size is Not
Brandy Melville has been a growing brand over the past few years. Their clothes being fashionable, trendy, and on the cheaper price point attracts many younger girls. Teens have been obsessed with the brand and wearing these clothes. Brandy sells oversized hoodies, comfy sweatpants, cropped T-shirts, and even affordable accessories. Many teen girls are just […]

Experiencing is Learning: Becoming more Sustainable
I have been surrounded by plants my whole life. When I think of my childhood certain memories come to my mind, specifically in my childhood back yard. I picture our swing set that was set in the back corner surrounded by wood chips, the wonky shaped pool that took up the middle grounds, a row […]