Remix x 3–A Genre Exploration Activity

As you make your way from the DIAC to the Remediation (a.k.a. “Remix”) Project, you have nearly limitless options. You are invited to take inspiration from the reflections, arguments, and research you created in earlier assignments and use those as an inspiration for a creating something in a new genre: a video, a podcast, an infographic, a playlist, an interactive map or timeline, a website, a social media campaign, a work of art (song / poem / dance), a publishable article modeled carefully on an existing genre, an interview (live or text-based), a lesson plan, a proposal.

So yes, you have a lot of options. And if you multiply the above by the variable “A” for audience, the options proliferate. Your audience might be local or global, young or old, specific or general, academic or mainstream. In many ways, your first question–alongside the question of what knowledge or argument from the DIAC/RSA you want to remix–shouldn’t be “in what genre do I want to compose,” but rather “what audience do I most want to reach.

The primary goal here is to use the guiding concepts of exigence, audience, and constraint–in addition to a range of rhetorical and sustainability-based appeals–to create something polished, practical, dynamic, and sharable.

The first genre choice, however, is rarely the best genre choice, and it helps to think meaningfully through a few different remix options before honing in on one in particular.

Remix X 3–For Discussion Post 16

The goal for this post is to develop 3 detailed remix options based on your DIAC and/or your RSA. You might even be able to go back to the SLN if you would like to develop a more autobiographical project from that material, or focus on a project related to the issues discussed in that narrative. For each idea, please address the following questions:

(1) What is the  issue, argument, or information you want to focus on for your remediation?  Here, please identify the underlying exigence–a.k.a the problem that motivates and informs your remix (in fact, you might begin #1 with a brief exigence statement). Though I would like you think beyond remixing just one assignment (e.g. the DIAC), you can repeat #1 if you want to explore different audiences related to the relevant issue/argument/information.

(2) What audience or audiences do you hope to reach and why?

(3) What genre or genres you might you employ to convey this information specifically to your chosen audience? Why is this a particularly fitting genre choice for that audience?

(4) What are the constraints that will be most important to keep in mind for this remix? These might include everything from the beliefs and values of your audience and contextual constraints related to the broader issue you are addressing (history, politics, culture) or to technical constraints of the genre itself.

(5) What remix option do you find most promising and exciting at this early stage and why?





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