Introduction Through the interview I realized just how much conflict opposing digital literacy practices such as personal and school/work can be. This was brought to my attention via. the answers to my questions about contrasting and comparing Jo Fletcher’s literacy practices. The answers helped me to gauge what may help bridge the gap between these…Continue Reading Conflicts Between Personal and School Literacy
What Professors Don’t Know – The Social Reading Lives of Students
Introduction Over the past few weeks the students of Writing and Literacy have been interviewing each other about our literacy practices in hopes of gaining some insight into common themes between students at College of Charleston. In the interview below I have a discussion with Reagan, a senior at the College. Reagan is majoring in…Continue Reading What Professors Don’t Know – The Social Reading Lives of Students
Adapting to Digital Learning Coming From a Tech-Heavy Background (draft)
Chances are, if you’ve taken any upper level English course at a four year university, you’ve heard of the term “literacy,” or maybe even, “digital literacy.” Both of these terms cover a wide range of possible definitions, tools, etc. For the sake of this article, however, we’ll focus on the latter. Digital literacy has become…Continue Reading Adapting to Digital Learning Coming From a Tech-Heavy Background (draft)
Literacy Practices and Social Contexts
Overview To study digital literacy practices among students for my Writing and Literacy class, I interviewed a student that will be named Allison that is a student at the College of Charleston that studies English. Allison is studying English with Graphic Design as her minor to focus on her chosen career path of being a…Continue Reading Literacy Practices and Social Contexts
COVID 19 and Its effect on College Students
How the coronavirus has changed how college students learn COVID-19 hit America with full force on March 16th, 2020. It closed jobs, filled hospitals, and sent children home from schools. Most imagined that by May this would be over and we would be free to start our lives again. However, by the time June…Continue Reading COVID 19 and Its effect on College Students
College Students’ Reliance on Digital Technology is Only Growing
If you don’t have a device, you’re stranded. This much is clear from what Callie, a student at the College of Charleston, had to say about hers and her peers’ relationships with digital technology. We already know that the use of digital technology has become much more prevalent and widespread since the start of the…Continue Reading College Students’ Reliance on Digital Technology is Only Growing
The Evolution of Technology Use: How Digital Literacy Has Changed in the Midst of a Global Pandemic
The year 2020 has brought changes for everyone. The root of all these changes? The Coronavirus. With the pandemic triggering strict social distancing and limited contact, virtually everything we do is centered around technology. If I had conducted this interview with Hannah Hanes, a Junior at the College of Charleston, last year, I would have…Continue Reading The Evolution of Technology Use: How Digital Literacy Has Changed in the Midst of a Global Pandemic
Interview Draft (Needs a more hook-like title)
An image of a graph of elements for digital literacy from the quiz earlier in the semester will be here, I just could not figure how to do so at the moment. For a majority of us, we have been learning to read and write better since elementary school. Our literacy practices have been…Continue Reading Interview Draft (Needs a more hook-like title)
From Flash Games to Frankenstein Readings: Evan Scheinberg

Introduction Entering college is often acknowledged as a major milestone for all those who choose to attend. Along with the reaching of that milestone is a whole slew of new responsibilities, new opportunities and new freedoms. Like any other considerable changes to one’s mode of living, college additionally introduces unfamiliar stressors and unprecedented struggles to…Continue Reading From Flash Games to Frankenstein Readings: Evan Scheinberg
DRAFT And I need a fancy title about writing processes
Anna Williams Pic here of books or creativity To write something in any form or by any method can be daunting. From poems to short stories to essays, writing can be a difficult task. Does the use of technology, such as word processors, over classical pen and paper help or hinder the writing process both…Continue Reading DRAFT And I need a fancy title about writing processes