Conflicts Between Personal and School Literacy

Conflicts Between Personal and School Literacy

The purpose of this interview was to see the conflicts between personal and school digital literacy practices. Jo Fletcher helped me greatly to find the information of which I needed regarding this topic relating to digital literacy. I also incorporated a quote relating to this from the interview.

I genuinely want some feedback on whether I should edit some of it to be more about the topic at hand. I think some parts aren’t exactly perfect as to be expected in a draft when it comes to this. I also, like Olivia, want to know whether I should include more quotes to cement my point or to not use quotes at all. That was something I genuinely had a hard time figuring out myself so I want others opinions on that. I also want to know whether I should include more personal info about the person I interviewed within my writeup. A fourth thing I really want feedback on is my wording. I think some parts may have a bit of buffering within them to make it longer and I want to know what others would change to make that a lesser issue.

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