Who is the Charleston Audubon Society?
The Charleston Audubon Society (CAS) is a local chapter of the National Audubon Society. The CAS is a nonprofit organization that promotes environmental awareness through educational programs, field trips, conservation projects, sponsored research at local colleges and other social activities. CAS President, Jennifer Tyrrell gives an insider perspective of the organization so keep reading to learn more!
How can you join?
One of the unique aspects of CAS is that membership is optional! All social events such as lectures, field trips, bird walks, or other activities are open to anyone to join. And for those who want to help support the organization, they can pay a membership fee. Members also get a free copy of the National Audubon Society magazine.
How can you join activities?
The CAS has a variety of activities happening throughout the year. A great way to stay up to date with upcoming events is to sign up through email. Usually the CAS hosts lectures at the Citadel, but due to the pandemic everything has moved to Zoom. You can find links to the lectures either on the CAS website, or by signing up for updates through email. Field trips, bird walks, or other outdoor activities are open to everyone but have limited spots. If you see an event that interests you, you should reach out to Andy Harrison’s email to reserve a spot! You can also check out the CAS calendar on their website to see the full list of upcoming events.

How can you connect?
The CAS uses a variety of ways to stay in touch. They have an email list, a Facebook page, a Charleston bird club, and Zoom meetings where guest speakers come and give lectures. For any in person events there is also a half hour to chat and mingle before the activities begin!

How can you support CAS?
Besides joining as a member and paying the membership fee, there are other ways to support CAS. Found on the CAS website you can donate through PayPal or you can mail cash to their address. The CAS also hosts fundraiser events where all proceeds go to environmental causes. And if you have the spare time, considering volunteering to support both the CAS and the environment! For volunteer work feel free to reach out to any board member to talk about the details!
You could be an editor!
The CAS has been looking for an editor for their e-newsletter “The Lesser Squawk.” The newsletter goes out quarterly and potential editors can expect to perform tasks like, finding people for creating content and articles, editing the template, and creating your own content! Previous editions of “The Lesser Squawk” can be found on the CAS website and those interested should reach out to President Tyrrell’s email!

The Board Members
The CAS is run by volunteer members and each board member serves a different role. But you could also become a board member! Elections take place each Fall and the CAS seeks members who have an applicable skill useful for the organization, and show a passion for avian conservation and natural history. Future board members can expect to help run the group, schedule events and guest speakers, and help restore maintain the McAlhany Preserve and restore habitat. Reach out to President Tyrrell if you’re interested in a board member position!
Below are the current positions within CAS.
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Program Chair
- Outings Chair
- McAlhany Preserve Member
- Lesser Squawk Editor: Position open!
- Website Designer
The CAS is a small non-profit organization focused on helping and restoring our local environment. So what are you waiting for? Check out their calendar for events or sign up for updates through email and go join an upcoming activity! Don’t forget to consider donating to CAS to help support their cause and be sure to check out their lectures to learn more about our local environment and ways that you can help. Events are open to all and so are CAS’s Facebook groups so be sure to check it out and join the flock of the Charleston Audubon Society!