The business behind economy class wines on airlines

5 thoughts on “The business behind economy class wines on airlines

  1. Interesting. Didn’t know there were only 239 master sommeliers. I also figured that the airlines that made you pay for the alcohol would have higher quality. I wonder what airlines like emirates charge for alcohol and how their budget for alcohol is planned out.

  2. I was not aware of the rigorous wine selection processes that some airlines engage in, so I found this article to be both interesting and surprising. In my experience, I have not tasted any remarkable or noteworthy wines while flying, but I have also never flown first class internationally. I think that my expectations, and the expectations of many others in the general public, are lower for wine ordered on an airplane, and many budget or middle-of-the-lane airlines realize this and know that they do not have to accommodate much in terms of expensive or remarkable wine selections.

  3. I enjoy knowing that some airlines are wine snobs. It kind of makes me smile to think that they take their time choosing wines for their guests.

  4. I have actually never drank on an airplane so hearing about the wine selection was surprising. I did not know that there was one main person in charge of the wine that is used in economy class and that there are people who are pairing the wines to the food that they serve on flights. I just thought that airlines used the cheapest wines.

  5. That’s really cool that airlines don’t just say let’s throw some boxed wine in a bottle to pour it on the plane. I honestly thought that they did just that, and it makes me happy to know that some of them actually take the time to find a good selection.

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