I found this article to be very interesting coming from someone who does not drink beer. I come from a family who loves craft beer so it was interesting to learn that the yeast fermentation is what causes differences in beer types.
The different aspects that effect the styles of beers is very intriguing to me. Personally when I think of beers, my immediate thought goes a session beer. Essentially not drinking for taste, but reading this has made me come more aware of the potential flavors and styles possible
It was very surprising to me that yeast fermentation is what causes the differences in beers, I thought it would have been the amount of alcohol in the drink. Beer styles are important to know because it lets you know what to expect as the drinker.
I was very interested to learn that, although all beer typically has the same four classic components (water, grain, hops, and yeast), they can be made to taste so drastically different from each other due to the way that they are brewed and the ingredients that the brewers choose to include in each variety. This especially stands out to me in cases comparing 2 very different beers like dark porters and super light beers like Bud Light. Without this knowledge, I would not have guessed that they have such similar basic ingredients.
All beers being made with the same four ingredients as its base is such a good fun fact
The fact that beer as a whole has its own organization that handles the labeling of categories is very professional and organized.
I found this article to be very interesting coming from someone who does not drink beer. I come from a family who loves craft beer so it was interesting to learn that the yeast fermentation is what causes differences in beer types.
The different aspects that effect the styles of beers is very intriguing to me. Personally when I think of beers, my immediate thought goes a session beer. Essentially not drinking for taste, but reading this has made me come more aware of the potential flavors and styles possible
It was very surprising to me that yeast fermentation is what causes the differences in beers, I thought it would have been the amount of alcohol in the drink. Beer styles are important to know because it lets you know what to expect as the drinker.
I was very interested to learn that, although all beer typically has the same four classic components (water, grain, hops, and yeast), they can be made to taste so drastically different from each other due to the way that they are brewed and the ingredients that the brewers choose to include in each variety. This especially stands out to me in cases comparing 2 very different beers like dark porters and super light beers like Bud Light. Without this knowledge, I would not have guessed that they have such similar basic ingredients.
All beers being made with the same four ingredients as its base is such a good fun fact
The fact that beer as a whole has its own organization that handles the labeling of categories is very professional and organized.