Spreading the gospel of lager

5 thoughts on “Spreading the gospel of lager

  1. I wonder if the tight schedule to produce lager will limit production and demand in the beer market if their popularity decreases.

  2. I find it very interesting that some brewers are trying to pivot from the IPA craze that has swept the country to lagers. I have definitely noticed that IPAs have become increasingly common and popular in breweries and even grocery store beer selections. I have especially noticed this trend in Charlotte, where there are many breweries that are popular among the 20-something population. It seems that every brewery offers an extensive selection of IPAs, and these tend to make up their most popular drink choices. I am interested to see if the lager movement catches on in the future!

  3. I wonder how the introduction to more lagers will do long-term. IPA’s are just so popular and more commonly produced that I would be curious to see what the future of lager holds.

  4. Who knew a lager needed to be kept on a tight brewing schedule?
    I did not know that there was a stigma attached to wanting to drink lagers
    There is a competition between IPA and lagers that are interesting
    There is diversity in the types of beers that can be brewed and that makes things interesting in the business.

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