Smoke and a beer: perfect together

5 thoughts on “Smoke and a beer: perfect together

  1. Definitely informative to read about how beer is used in cooking. Beer ads earthy flavors to foods which is found in a lot of soups and stews.

  2. I definitely agree that smoke in food should be balanced out with a beer, rather than paired with an especially smoky beer that might provide an overpowering sensation. I think that food and drink in general should balance each other out, and while it can be good to look for complementary flavors that the food and drink share in common, it’s important to make sure that this is a reciprocal relationship.

  3. It’s super interesting the different abilities that people have when it comes to pairing beer with a smokier tasting food. The article talked about blondes and wheats and even some hoppier style beer that goes really well with smoked foods. I think that finding a balance is really good and the beer can compliment the smokiness if done right.

  4. I fully relate to people wanting to up the smoke. Whenever I watch people do their cooking videos they mainly focus on the smoke that they are creating. It is also very interesting to know that not all smoke is the same and that changing the wood you use can provide variety. I learned that limes can cut through the smoke and fat of some foods. Finally, I learned that sour beers can be see as a Spanish style cider.

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