Does sound effect wine taste?

3 thoughts on “Does sound effect wine taste?

  1. Wine is very fascinating because one would not think that wine would be affected by sound. It one thing to have to be mindful of your eyes, nose, and mouth when tasting wines but now you also have to take heed to sound in the tastings.

  2. The study of the interaction between sound and taste posits a major area for innovation and marketability within the beer, wine, and restaurant industry. I am very interested in the way that our senses are so closely interconnected, so I am not surprised to learn that the sense of sound can have a major impact on our sense of taste. I am interested to see how the beer and wine industry uses this discovery to change the way that they produce and serve their products.

  3. I can absolutely say that sound has affected my experience with wine. For me, the sound of the cork opening could mean celebration, relaxation, excitedness, happiness, and so much more. It is beginning a new story for that day that you are drinking the wine, which I love. I also love playing music while cooking and drinking a glass of wine, I definitely feel like this heightens my mood and experience while tasting.

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