My final project was an introduction to a series of poems in which Whitman finds fault in his own collectivist philosophy. There is a fair bit written about this darker side of Whitman but there seemed to be no anthology so dedicated. These are tremendous moments in Walt’s poetry because they uphold his promise that […]
Warring Connections and Contradictions: The Poetry of Yusef Komunyakaa and Walt Whitman
My paper focused on the connection between Walt Whitman’s Civil War Poetry and the Vietnam War Poetry of Yusef Komunyakaa. Both poets wrote about war, however, their experience with war was extremely different. Komunyakaa often refers to Whitman as an influence on his poetry but not directly in conjunction to his war poetry. I thought […]
Whitmanian Connection in Visual Art
Walt Whitman was self-proclaimed Poet of the Nation and as such has been fully absorbed into American culture and arts. Whitman and his themes of democracy, spirituality, and connectivity have become ingrained in many various art forms. With my project, I have continued his theme of human connection through shared human experience using “Crossing Brooklyn […]
The Langston Hughes and Walt Whitman Connection
My project oversaw the connection between the trajectory of Langston Hughes and Walt Whitman’s work. In class we specifically talked about Whitman’s influence on African American writers, so with my project I wanted to take this idea a step further and explore not only Whitman’s influence over the black poet, but how their works are […]
24 Hours of Tweeting Walt: Walt Whitman & Our Modern Connectivity
I really enjoyed everyone’s project presentations on Monday and I thank you all for listening to mine! I ended up being more interested in my topic than I thought I would and it’s definitely made me see the world and our shared human experience through a more Whitmanian lense. From examining Whitman’s daily presence on […]
Tweeting @WhitmanSpeaks
Through ‘Whitman Speaks’ I sought to recreate the persona of Whitman on Twitter and use his poetry and prose to directly engage in conversations with people surrounding news and social issues. Initially, the project was a question of how to fairly represent and recreate Whitman’s voice as I joined in modern conversations. I wanted to […]
Whitman’s Modern Woman
My project took an approach I had never taken before on the portrayal of female’s as empowered by Whitman’s maternal prototype. I really enjoyed investigating the issue from a kind of perspective I have formally argued against and was pleasantly surprised at a lot of the incite I was able to extract. I used Milk and […]
Women in Whitman’s Works: Through the Lens of Adrienne Rich
Powerpoint: Paper: In “Women in Whitman’s Works” I examined Whitman’s portrayal of women, in light of feminist poet Adrienne Rich, to determine whether or not he serves as a feminist figure or as more of a product of his time. These poets appear similar in their political focus, communal vision, concern for the state, discussion […]
Final Project: Evolution of Leaves, 1855-1860
Final Project Link
Whitmanian Connection in Visual Art
The Ties Between Me and Them