Call for WGS Community Leader in Residence
The College of Charleston’s Women and Gender Studies (WGS) is pleased to announce that our Community Leader in Residence (CLR) application is now available. This will be the second CLR we have the opportunity to engage with.
The CLR bridges the College of Charleston and the greater Charleston community in a knowledge-based partnership. We aim for this initiative to reflect sustainable, reciprocal partnerships, rippling out into the Charleston and campus communities, strengthening the College’s role as a vital source of ideas and partnerships in Charleston and across the South. Through rotating one-year appointments, CLRs representing and/or serving marginalized and minoritized populations will help students apply the keystone concepts of the WGS discipline: intersectionality, power, resistance, equity, justice, and advocacy.
The CLR is encouraged to build relationships in WGS and across campus, and to challenge and inspire members of the campus community toward deeper understandings in and engagement with pressing issues in Charleston. The duties of the CLR will be determined collaboratively to maximize the expertise and assets of the CLR. Responsibilities associated with the one-year commitment may include:
Organizing a minimum of one CLR-led workshop for student leaders in WGS based on the skills and knowledge of the CLR
Delivering an on-campus public lecture or performance on a topic of relevance to their work in the Charleston community
Providing individual or group mentoring to select WGS students with an interest in leadership and advocacy
Hosting one or more “community forums” on pressing local issues that may feature other community leaders and activists (these may be intentionally held off campus, in the community)
Application/Nomination process and timeline
Application should include a statement of intent (500-750 words), which should offer evidence of a commitment to social issues relevant to Charleston, ideas for working with students, and provisional suggestions for workshops, community forums, and other activities. Please also include a list of three references (minimum) and a resume or C.V.
Please fill out this form to apply https://form.jotform.com/242876796592175. To see the questions before you submit you can review the application as a PDF file, which is attached.
Applications are due January 31st at 11:59pm and expect a response back by March 1st .
Stipend: $8,000, and an additional budget for programming and professional development
If individuals have questions or concerns, they can email Aaisha Haykal, Manager of Archival Services at the Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture and Associate Director of WGS, at haykalan@cofc.edu.