Join CAB in celebrating International Women’s Day with their first Women’s Day Dinner. Keynote speaker from Louise Doire MDiv. March 8 – Stern Gardens – 5:00PM. Open to all students. RSVP on CougarConnect.
Archive | WGS Events
OID’s Call to Action Week!
- March 9 – Be Well Expo – North Campus – 10:00AM-3:00PM
- Panels, breakouts, and a Wellness Village focusing on women of color, health disparities, concerns, and solutions. Read more about the Be Well Expo here.
- March 11 – Super Sheroes: Superwomen Who Inspire Us – EHHP Alumni Center – 6:00-8:00PM
- An inspiring message by SC Representative Gilda Cobb-Hunter, followed by food, fun, and engagement. All are welcome! Hosted by OID, MSPS, SDIC, and CofC College Democrats.
- March 12 – Activism Lunch & Learn – Stern 201 – 12:00-1:30PM
- A lunchtime discussion featuring student and community activists making a difference on campus and in Charleston. Open to the public. Lunch provided. Read more here.
- March 13 – Campus Communities Fair – George St. – 11:00-1:00PM
- Student Government Association is hosting a street fair to showcase the diverse communities that make up our campus. Multiple student organizations and members from the Charleston community will come together with food, music, and other celebrations!
- March 14 – “RBG” Film Screening – ECTR 118 – 6:00-9:00 PM
- A birthday celebration of assorted pies and refreshments in honor of Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg’s birthday and National Pi Day. Hosted by CofC College Democrats and SDIC.
“Intersections” Series: History of Women at the College (with Amy McCandless)
Join WGS and History in the next WGS “Intersections” Series event: “Taking on the Spirit and Tone of Robust Manliness: Women at the College of Charleston between the World Wars.” Featuring Professor Emerita of History, Amy McCandless. February 19 from 3:30-5:00PM in Addlestone Library Room 227.
Pictures from the ‘Intersections’ Panel: “Gender, Race, & Medicine” (1/28)
WGS was thrilled to see so many attendees at our latest ‘Intersections’ event, the “Gender, Race, and Medicine” panel, last Monday night. Special thanks to our all-star panel and to Dr. Beres Rogers for moderating such an important event! See below for pictures from the panel.

Maude Barlow: Solving World Water Crises
Wednesday, February 20th
ECTR 116, 3:30-5:00PM
The world is facing twin water crises, one ecological, the other human. Modern industrial society sees water as a resource for development and is mercilessly polluting and depleting existing water supplies.
Maude Barlow has traveled from the UN and high level conferences to the worst slums on earth in search of solutions to these crises. She argues that water is not a commodity to be but on the open market like oil and gas, but rather a public trust and human right to be guarded and preserved for all time.
Join her as she gives practical tools and examples of water sustainability projects worldwide that protect ecosystems and local communities and economics.
Women in Science Mini Conference
Women in Science Mini Conference, featuring Dr. Lisa Fauci
Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 3:00pm.
RITA 101-103
Join the School of Sciences & Mathematics as we both celebrate women in science and mathematics and discuss poignant issues surrounding an increasing number of women in these fields. Stay for any portion or the entire event. All genders welcome!
Featuring Dr. Lisa Fauci, Associate Professor, Tulane University. Dr. Fauci is one of the nation’s foremost experts in fluid dynamics; she is president-elect of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), and a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS).
The Mini Conference includes a student poster session (3:00 pm), Dr. Fauci’s keynote address (4:00 pm), and a career panel discussion (5:15 pm).
Still Jewish and Newly Jewish: Women & Intermarriage in America
Sunday, January 27th at 10:00AM – Arnold Hall.
Join the Jewish Studies Program and WGS for this presentation – Still Jewish and Newly Jewish: Women & Intermarriage in America – which will reimagine Jewish intermarriage by explaining how womanhood influences lived experiences and meaning. The stories of Jewish women, those raised Jewish and those who chose Judaism later in life, are an essential ingredient to understanding intermarriage in America. Jewish women have long been thought of as keepers of the domestic flame of Judaism and women of other faith backgrounds who marry Jewish men have often shouldered much of the responsibility for raising Jewish children. Come learn about how these women of valor shape Jewishness and Judaism.
Keren R. McGinity is a 2018 Forward 50 honoree for her clarion call for a Jewish response to the #MeToo movement, published in the New York Jewish Week. She is named on Lilith magazine’s 7 Jewish Feminist Highlights of 2018 list. Her pioneering books, Still Jewish: A History of Women and Intermarriage in America (NYU Press 2009), a National Jewish Book Award Finalist, and Marrying Out: Jewish Men, Intermarriage, and Fatherhood (Indiana University Press 2014), changed the narrative about Jewish continuity by focusing on gender and change over time. Dr. McGinity is the inaugural director of the Interfaith Families Jewish Engagement Program at Hebrew College’s Shoolman Graduate School of Jewish Education, where she also teaches, and a research associate at the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute at Brandeis University. She earned her PhD from Brown University, and was the Mandell L. Berman Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Contemporary American Jewish Life at the University of Michigan’s Frankel Center for Judaic Studies. Dr. McGinity serves on the Sexual Misconduct Taskforce of the Association for Jewish Studies and the Academic Advisory Council of the Jewish Women’s Archive.
WGS Intersections Panel: “Gender, Race, & Medicine”
Join the WGS Program for the next WGS “Intersections” Panel for the Year of Women: “Gender, Race, & Medicine.” This innovative panel features four incredible panelists: Dr. Latecia Abraham-Hilaire (Asst. Professor – Public Information & Community Outreach Program – MUSC), Dr. Allison Foley (Asst. Professor – Anthropology), Dr. Beth Sundstrom (Professor – Communication – Director of Women’s Health Research Team), and Dr. Lisa Young (Asst. Professor – English – African American Studies). The panel will be moderated by Dr. Kathleen Béres Rogers (Assoc. Professor – English).
Join WGS, English, the Women’s Health Research Team, and MUSC for this exciting, interdisciplinary panel – we hope to see you there!
“Gender, Race, & Medicine” Panel
January 28 @ 5:00PM. Maybank Hall, Room 100.
WGS Oral History Project Reception
On November 14, the WGS program hosted a reception for its WGS Oral History Project. The project focuses on collecting the Women’s & Gender Studies program’s rich history, and has been led by WGS director Kris De Welde, Cara Delay (History and previous WGS Director), and Susan Farrell (English, previous WGS Director) alongside three current WGS students. These students, Kate Cockerham, Savannah Crocker, and Raegan Whiteside, were honored at the event, alongside current and past WGS leaders such as directors and associate directors who were interviewed for the project.
Over the past semester, Kate, Savannah, and Raegan sat down with past directors of the program and conducted qualitative interviews. These interviews allowed them to cultivate a robust understanding of our program’s history, as well as the history of women at the College. The students have been involved in every aspect of the oral history process, including IRB certification, interview protocols, and transcription writing and formatting. Each of the three student researchers will write final papers synthesizing and analyzing these qualitative interviews.