2020 English Award Winners

A special congratulations to our 2020 English Department Award and Scholarship winners.


Humanities and Social Sciences Scholars

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences honors graduating seniors who have distinguished themselves by amassing an impressive body of work during their undergraduate careers. Typically, recipients of HSS Scholar awards are students who, in addition to excelling in regular courses, undertake one or more substantial research projects (such as a Bachelor’s Essay or a project done in an Independent Study course).  The HSS Scholar is the highest award offered by the English Department.

The following two English students are recipients of this award as voted on by the English department:

  • Lindsey Scott
  • Kyra Swartz

English Department Outstanding Students

This award recognizes outstanding English majors. The recipients of this award are voted on by the English department faculty.

  • Ivy Chace
  • Marin Grant
  • Caroline Greenblatt
  • Kaitlyn Leggett
  • Alison Mader
  • Ayla White
  • Raegan Whiteside

Department Honors

Awarded to students who have at least a 3.5 GPA in all major coursework, and who have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours of exceptionally fine work in any combination of independent study, seminar, and bachelor’s essay.

  • Tanner Crunelle

Anna B. Katona Award in American Literature

This award is named for Dr. Anna B. Katona, a longtime professor of English at the College of Charleston (1975-1999). Dr. Katona provided funds for a grant to the College that annual recognizes the graduating English major with the highest grade point average in American Literature courses.

  • Ayla White

Transfer Student Award

  • Erica Appleton

Sarah Margaret Goad Memorial Prizes in Poetry:

  • First place ($350) = “Narcissus pseudonarcissus” by Tanner Crunelle
  • Second place ($150) = “Nocturne” by Rose DuBard
  • Honorable mention ($50) = “The Fleas” by Mathieu Caceres

The external judge was Adam Clay

Sarah Margaret Goad Memorial Prizes in Fiction:

  • First place ($350) = “Body of Work” by Rose DuBard
  • Second place ($150) = “Out in Her Garden” by Erica Appleton
  • Honorable mention ($50) = “Wait Three Minutes” by Mara McCloy

The external judge was Marian Crotty

First-Year Writing Awards

In 2008 the department established this annual award to encourage and recognize excellent writing and critical thinking. All students enrolled in English 110, Honors 110, or English 215 are eligible to submit papers for the award. The winning papers are chosen by the First-Year Writing Committee in the Department of English based on excellence of writing and the reflection of First-Year Writing curricular goals.

Outstanding First-Year Essay:

  • Lily Dutton, “I Didn’t Realize I Was Sick of Reading the Stories of Dead White Men Until I Stopped”
  • Shem Navarro, “Social Justice”
  • Emma Parisi, “Repressed”
  • Janneke Morin, “Mrs. B. and the Reading Boycott”
  • Danielle Silvestri, “Advice from an Actor”

Outstanding First-Year Multimodal Writing:

  • Caley Liptak, “Rhetoric on Felon Disenfranchisement: Comedy to Cartoon”
  • Brenna Grant, “Visualizing Evidence Across the Page”


Lancelot Minor Harris Scholarship

The Lancelot Minor Harris Scholarship is an award that supports incoming, first-year, or second-year students from traditionally under-represented populations (such as first-generation, African-American, Hispanic, and financially disadvantaged students), who show significant academic potential and intend to major in English.

  • Adam Dorsheimer

Marilyn Shiely Coste Memorial Scholarship

The Marilyn Shiely Coste Memorial Scholarship is an award that supports students who have been innovative and strategic in the way they have combined their major with extracurricular opportunities, such as sustained involvement in community literacy outreach programs, professional internships, sustained work as a tutor, or achievement as a published writer.

  • Ellie Walker

Marjorie Elizabeth Peale Memorial Scholarship

The Marjorie Elizabeth Peale Memorial Scholarship is an award that supports students at the freshman or sophomore level who show promise of academic excellence in the study of English.

  • Kathy Nguyen

English Alumni Award: Study Abroad

The English Alumni Award for Study Abroad supports students who will enroll in an approved summer or fall study abroad program.

  • Gabi Loue

English Alumni Award

The English Alumni Award supports students who show promise of academic excellence in the study of English.

  • Kaitlyn Leggett


Sigma Tau Delta is an international excelled English honor society for students of English at four-year colleges and universities who are within the top 30% of their class and have a 3.5 GPA or higher.  Our new Sigma Tau Delta inductees at the College of Charleston include the following students:

  • Madison Chaney (grad student)
  • Foster Clark
  • Claire Delano
  • Madison Gepper
  • Caroline Greenblatt
  • Evans Hollingsworth
  • Heather Holmes
  • Amelia Janaskie
  • Kaitlyn Leggett
  • Mara McCloy
  • Reagan Reynolds
  • Christian Robinson
  • Abby Stahl
  • Bianca Warfield (grad student)