Category Archives: Funding Opportunities


Surf info sessions on Monday 1/10 at 4:30 in CAAN 105 (Calhoun Annex) and Tuesday 1/11 at 3:30 in CAAN 106 (Calhoun Annex). SURF grants provide funding to cover student research h expenses for projects carried out during the summer. The maximum award amount is $6,500. Check out and attend the info sessions to […]

Accepting MAYS and RPG Applications!

If you are looking to support your undergraduate research project between 11/30/2021-6/4/2022, we encourage you to apply for a MAYS grant! MAYS (Major Academic Year Support) covers research expenses for projects carried out during the academic year. If you have previously completed a research project and you plan to present your research at a conference, […]

Now Accepting RPG Applications

Research Presentation Grants – supports travel to conferences, meetings, competitions, etc. to present student/faculty collaborative research and creative activity projects. DEADLINE TO APPLY: July 10th The application and more information can be found on our website: Please reach out to us if you have any questions or need help with the application.  

Accepting SURF Applications

Are you planning on conducting a student/faculty collaborative research project this summer?  Our SURF grants provide funding, up to $6500, for supplies and expenses related to the project.  Deadline to apply is Thursday, February 6th. Forms and Guidelines can be found on our website.

SURF Information

Thank you to everyone who came to one of the SURF Information Sessions!  For those who could not attend, we are providing the PowerPoint overview.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, we are here to help! URCA SURF Grant Workshop 2020