Strengths in 60

Strengths in 60! Strengths Notes

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Tips and Tools for Teaching and Student Success with Clifton Strengths.

This is a series designed to help instructors and departments on campus incorporate a Clifton Strengths activity in 60 seconds or 60 minutes.  Each strategy provides an opportunity for you and your students or team members to use strengths every day and to create “Moments That Matter” around strengths in the classroom. These strengths teaching and learning strategies are organized as opportunities for engagement, creative applications, assessments, and recognition. Have fun.

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Strengths Notes

Use the Name-Strengths Deck to get to know something special about each student. Note this
positive attribution with the student’s strengths so that you will have ready access to your notes when you return
papers with comments or write notes or winners cards for your students.

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By Idahlynn Karre Copyright © 2008 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. Gallup®, Clifton StrengthsFinder®, and StrengthsQuest™ are trademarks of Gallup, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners
