SAS Writing Reviser is a Google Docs add-on that helps to create better writers. Writing Reviser collects and highlights a multitude of potential flaws in a paper or writing sample and displays it in categories for the writer to review and change if desired.
The goal of the Writing Revisor is to make the writer think about the possible flaws and decide how best to fix them.
– How It Works
Uses for Faculty & Students
- Search for and install the SAS Writing Reviser’s add-on in your Google Docs.
- Open a paper and run the Reviser.
- Select the category you want to see and watch as all of the items that match that category are highlighted
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- Require students to run the report once they have completed their paper or writing project then require them to fix the problems they wish to fix and rerun the report to show their improvement. The student must turn in the assignment and the report.
- Students can use it check their writing for common mistakes. Much more robust than any Microsoft Word features.
Start by running the report and working on your top one or two areas of concern. Working with the entire report is overwhelming. |
What it looks for:
- Wordiness
- Prepositional Phrases
- Passive Voice
- Simple and Run-on Sentences
- Subject-Verb, Prepositional Phrase, and Subordinate Clause Openings
- Weak Verbs and Verb Tenses
- Cliches & Jargon
- Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
- and much more

For more information on SAS Writing Resources visit