The Grades box plot graph represents the full range of possible grades (0%-100%) in one bar. The start and
end brackets represent the actual range of grades for the item. The start bracket represents the lowest grade achieved for the grade item, while the end bracket represents the highest grade achieved for the grade item. The blue bar represents the middle range of grades for the class, excluding the bottom 25% of the class and the top 25% of the class. A black square (
) represents the individual user’s grade for the item. Their grade also displays numerically, along with any previously established grade and color schemes. A vertical white line (
) represents the mean grade for the item.
Accessing User Progress
The Progress tool for individual students can be accessed from two locations in OAKS courses:
1. The Classlist tool: Communication>Classlist>click on drop down arrow next to students name>View Progress>click on Grades
From Desire2Learn Resource Center site