What is ? RooClick is a patent-pending concept in click-to-interact technology utilizing web browsers and mobile applications to allow students and teachers to engage in video content in real time. Thus allowing curriculum and information to be accessed with one click. RooClick was founded on the premises of giving viewers what they want when they want it. By eliminating disconnect between seeing content and engaging with content through a simple click. No more searching for relevant information; teachers associate the material they want with the video content. This allows instructors to customize all assignments for their class. From http://www.rooclick.com/docs/RooClickEducationFactSheet.pdf
Price: Free for individual teachers
Platform: Android, IOS and a laptop (look for “RooPlayer” in the App store and “RooClick Video Player” in Google Play)
To learn more about visit http://www.rooclick.com/
RooClick Instruction Manual for Educators and Students found at http://www.rooclick.com/docs/RooClickEducationHandbook.pdf
Check out the following articles about RooClick:
Rock Your use of Video as a Teaching and Learning Tool With RooClick