TLT is proud to announce the start of a new training opportunity for online faculty!
DE 2.0 is a series of immersive workshops that will be delivered largely asynchronously online. These sessions will be focused on topic specific items for faculty who are currently teaching online and want to dig a little deeper into updated technology and pedagogy for online learning.Now that you’ve taken the DE Readiness Course and taught online, what do you want to learn more about?
I have noticed that there are more students who live farther away and can not make three F2F classes, which is my normal requirement. I need to feel more comfortable about using technologies that will allow me to discontinue the F2F sessions. I know they exist because I saw them at the Technology Conference last spring, but I am not there yet with my training.
At my first F2F, I always have the students help me create the calendar and make suggestions about the demands of the syllabus. We choose due dates and times and frequently change requirements to suit each group. My second F2F we go over APA format by working with what they have already submitted on a google doc and then they pick and work with partners/groups with whom they will do a final presentation at our last F2F. I guess what I am saying is that I don’t want to lose the community feel that our online class takes on, but I need help maintaining that without meeting F2F.
Hi Mary Ann! I think that you would probably really enjoy the course listed above called “Disconnected”. It is all about how to keep and maintain that humanizing element and community in your fully online courses. More information about that course will be available later in the Fall, so keep your eyes peeled! In the mean time, if you have any questions, please contact me or Mendi and we can help you brainstorm ideas.