Word, Space, Time: Digital Perspectives on the Classical World
An interdisciplinary conference organized by the Digital Classics Association
University at Buffalo, SUNY
Buffalo, NY 14261, USA
April 5 – 6, 2013
Archaeological GIS, digital historical mapping, literary text mining, and other computational techniques are increasingly shaping how we understand classical antiquity. Digital methods are breaking down sub-disciplinary barriers, allowing literary scholars to more easily explore epigraphical inscriptions, archaeologists to place their findings on digital historical maps, and philosophers to explore style and argument with sophisticated search techniques. Digital tools also offer new ways to explain aspects of classical antiquity in the classroom and to the public at large.
The aim of the inaugural Digital Classics Association (DCA) conference is to provide a survey of current approaches to digital methods of research, teaching, and outreach across classical sub-disciplines, with the goals of further opening inter-disciplinary perspectives and establishing common objectives for digital research and education.
Abstracts are invited from professional and independent scholars, graduate students, educators, and digital developers who engage with emerging digital methods in any area of classical antiquity. Abstract submitters should indicate whether they wish to present a poster or deliver a paper on a panel. Poster sessions can be on any digital classics topic. Abstracts for panels should indicate which of the following topics they will address:
- Historical mapping
- Literary and linguistic text mining
- Literary criticism and digital methods
- Textual corpora and conventions
- Visualizing the built environment and lived space (including GIS applications)
Authors of abstracts should show innovation in one or more of the following areas: digital methods bearing on new or existing research questions, digital theory, or education / outreach.
Abstracts are also invited for 1-hour hands-on workshops on any topic. Possibilities include, but are not limited to: GIS methods, linguistic graphing with R, linked data, literary topic modeling, and spatial visualization. Presenters can give a workshop in addition to a paper or poster, in which case two abstracts should be submitted.
Please submit abstracts of no more than 300 words via the conference website, which also contains further information about the conference.
The abstract receipt deadline isDecember 14, 2012. The deadline for conference registration is February 15, 2013.
Filed under: Academia, Conferences