Tag Archives: HISP faculty news

Dr. Vicki Garrett’s Book Chapter Is Published

Professor Vicki Garrett’s book chapter “Violence, Injury, and Disability in Recent Latin American Film” has been published in Libre acceso: Latin American Literature and Film through Disability Studies, edited by Susan Antebi and Beth E. Jörgensen (Albany, NY: SUNY Press. 2016).

Dr. Colomina Presents Research in Alicante, Spain

Professor Lola Colomina-Garrigós presented her paper “La literatura en versión cinematográfica para el ahondamiento en el estudio del contexto de la dictadura militar chilena y la posterior transición democrática” at the XVI Congreso Internacional de la sociedad española de didáctica de la lengua y la literatura in Alicante, Spain on December 11, 2015.

Dr. Raúl Carrillo Arciniega Receives Literary Award for Latest Novel

For his latest novel Tennessee River, Professor Raúl Carrillo Arciniega has been granted the Premio Literario Estatal de Novela (State Literary Award for Novel) by the the Coordinación de Fomento Editorial del Instituto Sudcaliforniano de Cultura in Mexico.  Click here for additional details on all statewide and regional awardees of Baja California.

Dr. Fraser’s Critical Edition Published

Professor Benjamin Fraser has just published a critical edition of nineteenth-century texts by Spanish authors Mariano José de Larra and Ramón de Mesonero Romanos titled La urbanización decimonónica de Madrid (Buenos Aires: Stockcero, 2011). His critical introduction frames works by both authors as contributions to the growing field of “urban cultural studies.”