Tag Archives: Department of Hispanic Studies

Global Scholars Recognizes 3 HISP Faculty Members

On March 10, 2018, Professor Joseph Weyers, Co-Director of the College of Charleston’s Global Scholars Program, recognized three new Global Scholars members from the Department of Hispanic Studies: (left to right in photo above): Professors Lauren Hetrovicz, Antonio Pérez-Núñez and Ricard Viñas-de-Puig.

Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus, April 2018

Le’ah Griggs, a double major in Music Theory/Composition and Spanish ’18, is a member of the College of Charleston’s Concert Choir, the Latin American Ensemble Otro Sur, the Spanish Club, and she serves as Librarian-Student Team Leader for Addlestone Library.  She has also served as the Assistant Director of the Children’s Choir at St. Michael’s Episcopal […]

Dr. Pérez-Núñez’s Study to Appear in _Heritage Language Journal_

Professor Antonio Pérez-Núñez’s article “The Acquisition of Spanish Gender Marking in the Writing of Heritage and Second Language Learners: Evidence from the Language Classroom” has been accepted for publication in Heritage Language Journal.

HISP Faculty Focus, April 2018: Professor Lauren Hetrovicz

  An Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Hispanic Studies since 2015, Professor Hetrovicz completed doctoral coursework at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she also earned her M.A. in Hispanic Linguistics and her B.A. in Spanish and Linguistics.  She is a faculty-favorite among students at the College of Charleston where she has taught […]

HISP Faculty Focus, March 2018: Dr. Lola Colomina-Garrigós

A faculty member in the Department of Hispanic Studies since 2003, and a full professor in the department since 2016, Dr. Colomina earned her B.A. in English from Spain’s University of Alicante, and both her M.A. and Ph.D. at Michigan State University.  Since 2015 she serves as the Director of Latin American and Caribbean Studies […]

Essay Co-Authored by Dr. Pérez-Núñez and Student Bethany Blamphin to Appear in _Southern Journal of Linguistics_

The article “Intercultural Competence in the Language Classroom: What Do Foreign Language Teachers Actually Do?” co-authored by Professor Antonio Pérez-Núñez and student Bethany Blamphin has been accepted for publication in the Southern Journal of Linguistics.

Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus, February 2018

Jolie Hiers, Spanish and Foreign Language Education ’18, is a student of the Honors College, a William Aiken Fellow, a College of Charleston Presidential Scholarship recipient, and a member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi and the College of Charleston’s national-award-winning chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society.  In […]

Jessica Latham, Spanish ’12, Receives 2018 SCFLTA Teacher of the Year Award

Jessica Latham, Spanish ’12, has been awarded the 2018 Teacher of the Year Award by the South Carolina Foreign Language Teachers’ Association.  Jessica graduated magna cum laude from the College of Charleston with a major in Spanish and minors in both Secondary Education and Russian Studies.  She was also a Fulbright Scholar at Moscow State […]