Tag Archives: CofC Hispanic Studies

Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus, October, 2020: Tomás Cox

Tomás Cox (2021) is Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus for October, 2020: Mr. Cox, a double major in Political Science and Spanish—with concentrations in politics, philosophy and law—has certainly not wasted time since arriving at CofC, keeping himself quite occupied as a member of the College’s Division I Men’s Soccer Team, as well as serving on […]

Dr. Joseph Weyers’ Invited Talk and Book Contribution

Congratulations to Hispanic Studies’ Dr. Joseph Weyers, who has been invited to present at the Coloquio Internacional de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE), organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile). The two day conference will be broadcast via YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DRIPUCV For those so interested—and why wouldn’t you be?—Dr. Weyers’ presentation is set for […]

Hispanic Studies Faculty Focus, September 2020: Dr. Falcon Restrepo-Ramos

Hispanic Studies’ Faculty Focus for September 2020 is Dr. Falcon Restrepo-Ramos Dr. Restrepo Ramos–who received his Ph.D. in Hispanic Linguistics and his M.A. in Computational Linguistics and Linguistics & TESOL, from the University of Florida-Gainesville, Indiana University and West Virginia University, respectively—comes to the College of Charleston by way of Indiana University, where he most […]

Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus for September 2020: Ms. Sara Thornton

Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus for September 2020 is Ms. Sara Thornton (’21). Beginning her college career with a major in Biology and a minor in Studio Art, Sara quickly realized her passion for Spanish and teaching, making the switch to a primary course of study in Spanish / Foreign Language Education and secondary concentrations in […]

HISP Faculty Focus, March 2020: Dr. Edward Chauca

Dr. Edward Chauca, Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies, is HISP’s Faculty Focus for March 2020. Dr. Edward Chauca, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Hispanic Studies since 2015, received his B.A. in Hispanic Languages and Literatures from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (2002) and his M.A. and Ph.D., in Spanish and Hispanic Languages […]

HISP Faculty Focus, February 2020: Prof. Gustavo Urdaneta

The Department of Hispanic Studies is proud to present its Faculty Focus for February of 2020, Prof. Gustavo Urdaneta. Mr. Urdaneta was born in Venezuela, where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Education in the field of Modern Languages at the University of Zulia “LUZ”. In 2013 he went on to obtain an M.S. in […]

HISP Student Focus for February 2020: Mr. Aman Paintlia

Mr. Aman Paintlia (’20) is Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus for February 2020.  A double major in Biology and Spanish–with a minor in Linguistics to boot–Aman is the embodiment of a well-rounded, liberal arts education. Within the context of his studies of language, Mr. Paintlia has distinguished himself both through his being accepted into the ranks […]

Hispanic Studies, Student Focus for January 2020: Ms. Elizabeth Edmunds

  HISP’s Student Focus for January 2020 is Ms. Elizabeth Edmunds.  Ms. Edmunds, a major in Elementary Education and Spanish, has formed an important part of Hispanic Studies since 2018, when she began contributing her talents as a Peer Educator within the departmental Basic Spanish Language conversational supplement. Besides honing her pedagogical and linguistic chops […]

HISP Faculty Focus, December 2019: Dr. Daniela Meireles

  Professor Daniela Meireles earned her Ph.D. in Iberian and Latin American Literature and Culture at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research on inter-American cultures focuses on contemporary Brazilian and Spanish-American literature and film and examines the ways such cultural production challenges mainstream discourses of hemispheric citizenship, while building on those of  pan-Americanism […]

Hispanic Studies, Student Focus for December 2019: Mr. Bryson Cook

Mr. Bryson Cook (Class of 2022) is Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus for December 2019. Pursuing an impressive triple major course of study in Public Health (B.S.), Exercise Science (B.S.) and Spanish [with a focus in Linguistics] (B.A.), as well as a minor in Medical Humanities, Mr. Cook still finds time to lead an active life […]