Category Archives: Student

Students Abroad in Santiago, Chile

  Dr. Félix Vázquez is directing College of Charleston’s Study Abroad Program in Santiago, Chile with the following seven students: Brieanna Winkelmann, Jocelyn Moratzka, Katie Whiting, Ellis Lincoln, Juliana Weathers, Jeremy Lopez and Emily Gooding.    Students will spend the entire fall 2011 semester at the University of Diego Portales taking classes with Chilean professors and Dr. […]

CofC’s Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi Receives National “Honor Chapter” Award

For the first time in its history, The Nu Zeta Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, received the prestigious “Honor Chapter” Award for its outstanding activities realized during the 2010-11 academic year.  Of the 581 chapters nationwide, The CofC’s chapter was one of only 11 chapters to receive this honor.  […]

Spanish Major Dylan Kornegay Interns in Lima, Peru

Dylan Kornegay (Spanish ’12) is spending her 2011 summer in Lima, Peru as an intern at Casa Hogar, a shelter for sexually abused and impoverished adolescent mothers and their babies. Dylan teaches English to the mothers once a week and cares for their children in the mornings while the mothers attend school.  Dylan also coordinates […]

Graduate Jocelyn Leving Awarded Grant by Spain’s Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education of Spain has awarded CofC graduate Jocelyn Leving (Spanish ’11) a “North American Language and Culture Assistantship” to teach in the K-12 school system of Madrid, Spain for the 2011-12 school year.  Jocelyn has been placed in the school EIS Guadarrama where she will be working four days per week.  Guadarrama is a small […]

Spanish House Launches New Website

Hispanic Studies’ Spanish House (Casa Hispana), a residence for majors and minors of Spanish, has just published its new website:   Downloadable application forms, contact information and student testimonials are all available at the site.