Category Archives: Student

HISP Student Focus, October 2023: Ms. Isa Pinchevski

HISP Student Focus, October 2023: Ms. Isa Pinchevski HISP is proud to present its Student Focus for October of 2023, Ms. Isa Pinchevski. A double major in both Spanish and Public Health, Isa exemplifies exactly the sort of broad ranging intellectual curiosity that is a hallmark of the sort of liberal arts education that that […]

Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus, February 2023: Ms. Elisa Peñaloza

Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus, February 2023: Ms. Elisa Peñaloza Ms. Elisa Peñaloza is Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus for February 2023. As any smart, forward-thinking individual inclined towards business can tell you, in our increasingly diversifying society, cultural and linguistic fluency represents the difference between a sale made and an opportunity lost. Of course, you needn’t […]

Hispanic Studies Student Focus, December 2022: Mr. Kevin Riley

Hispanic Studies Student Focus, December 2022: Mr. Kevin Riley Mr. Kevin Riley, Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus for December, is a Foreign Language Education and Spanish major, who, like many SPAN students, has also declared a minor in Linguistics. During past semesters, Kevin has contributed to the department as one of its Spanish Conversation Peer Instructors […]

Hispanic Studies Student Focus, November 2022: Ms. Amanda Craig (’23)

The HISP Student Focus for November of 2022 is Ms. Amanda Craig (Class of 2023). A dual major in Spanish and Latin American & Caribbean Studies with a minor in Linguistics, Amanda has –much to the benefit of those around her– fully involved herself in the life of the department and its many activities, clubs […]

Hispanic Studies Student Focus, March 2022: Ms. Dahlia Watson (’22)

Hispanic Studies Student Focus, March 2022: Ms. Dahlia Watson (’22) Hispanic Studies is once again proud and privileged to be able to feature one of its impressive Spanish students—this time, Ms. Dahlia Watson (’22). Ms. Watson, a minor in Spanish and Linguistics, as well as a major in English, has had her share of academic […]

Hispanic Studies Student Focus, February 2022: Ms. Ellie Manucy

Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus for February 2022 is Ms. Ellie Manucy (’22). A double major in Communications and Spanish, Ellie is another great example of the sort of talented, multi-faceted, globally-minded student that Hispanic Studies attracts. Besides her many activities in HISP, through which she has distinguished herself and impressed more than one faculty member, […]

Hispanic Studies Student Focus, November 2021: Ms. Elizabeth Jane Hancock

Hispanic Studies Student Focus for October 2021 is Ms. Elizabeth Jane Hancock (’22). An Honors College student pursuing an Artium Baccalaureatus in Spanish, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a minor in Classics, Ms. Hancock has established an impressive academic record at the College of Charleston — both in and outside […]

Hispanic Studies Student Focus for September 2021: Ms. Emma Burton, Class of 2022

The fall semester is upon us, once again, and with it comes another installment of Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus. Featured this September of 2021 is Ms. Emma Burton (’22)—a double major in Spanish and International Studies (with a concentration in Latin America and the Caribbean), a minor in Marketing and, last but not least, a […]