Category Archives: Faculty

Professor Rodríguez Sabater Co-presents Digital Poster at Virtual Conference in AZ

Dr. Silvia Rodriguez Sabater co-presented with Laura Plotts of TLT a virtual poster titled “Create, collaborate, and communicate in a second language: digital literacies in a distance education Spanish course” in the conference “Digital literacies in and beyond the L2 classroom: a hybrid symposium on research and practice” organized by the Center for Educational Resources […]

Drs. Divine and Vásquez Present Papers at the M/MLA Conference 2014

Professors Susan Divine and Félix Vásquez participated in the 2014 Midwest Modern Language Association Convention in Detroit, MI on November 13-16, 2014.   Dr. Divine presented a paper entitled “Nacho Vigalondo and the Impossible Recovery of Time and Space.”; and she also presented “Writing the Self/Writing the City: Spanish Authors and Social Media” in one of three panels […]

Drs. Barnes and Viñas-de-Puig Present Research at Hispanic Linguistics Symposium

Professors Hilary Barnes and Ricard Viñas-de-Puig participated in the 2014 Hispanic Linguistics Symposium at Purdue University on November 13-16, 2014.  Dr. Barnes presented her poster “Mid-vowel contrast in Veneto-Spanish bilinguals,” and Dr. Viñas-de-Puig presented his poster “This is not the Case of the Indirect Object: Linguistic and sociolinguistic factors in double object marking constructions in […]

Drs. Avendaño and Colomina Present Research in Cuba

Professors Nadia Avendaño and Lola Colomina participated in the 24th Conference of the International Association of Hispanic Feminine Literature and Culture at the National Hotel of Cuba in Havana on November 10-14, 2014.  Dr. Avendaño’s presentation was entitled “Negociando identidades: una experiencia femenina, judía y mexicana,” and Dr. Colomina’s was “El cuerpo como locus performativo y enunciativo […]