Dr. Colomina Appointed New Director of LACS
Professor Lola Colomina-Garrigós has been appointed the new Director of the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program effective July 2015.
Professor Lola Colomina-Garrigós has been appointed the new Director of the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program effective July 2015.
Professor Silvia Rodríguez Sabater has been named the College of Charleston’s new Director of the Master in Education in Languages effective July 1, 2015.
Professor Ricard Viñas-de-Puig’s article “Infixation in Mayangna relational nouns: a subcategorization analysis” will be published in the next issue of the Southern Journal of Linguistics.
Professor Carl Wise’s article “Eclipsed Autonomy: Celestial Images and the Free Will Debate in Antonio Mira de Amescua’s Álvaro de Luna Plays” was published in the latest issue [66.2 (2014): 109-122] of the Bulletin of the Comediantes.
At the annual Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference on April 23-25 at the University of Kentucky, four Hispanic Studies faculty members collaborated. Professors Susan Divine, Michael Gómez and Sabrina Laroussi presented their studies respectively: “Transforming the Narrative: Isaac Rosa, Historiography, City Space, and Live Tweeting Democracy,” “Playing with Time: Relativistic Reverberations and Entropic Echoes in Lorca’s Así […]
On April 28, 2015, Dr. Luci Moreira, Associate Professor of Portuguese, installed the College of Charleston’s new Alpha Sigma Chapter of Phi Lambda Beta, the National Portuguese Honor Society with the induction of two new student members: Anna M. Lewis and Summer O. Wertz. Also recognized as honorary members were Dr. Antonio Tillis, Dean of […]
Professor Mark P. Del Mastro is featured in the “Member Spotlights” section of the national website of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish & Portuguese.
Professor Sarah E. Owens article “El legado del rosario milagroso en los escritos de viaje de sor Ana de Cristo hacia Filipinas” has appeared in the Mexican journal Boletín de Monumentos Históricos.
Professor Carmen Grace’s article “Sobre la ‘predicación culta’ en el Siglo de Oro: polémicas y retóricas cristianas” has been accepted for publication in the prestigious Bulletin of Hispanic Studies.
Professor Mark P. Del Mastro has been named miembro numerario / full member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language. Dr. Del Mastro is among 13 new members confirmed in March 2015 for contributions that have helped promote Spanish language and Hispanic culture in the U.S., and he is the only person in the State […]