Category Archives: Faculty News

Hispanic Studies Faculty Represent at 2017 MIFLC

Drs. Edward Chauca, Mark P. Del Mastro, Susan Divine, Vicki Garrett and Elizabeth Martínez-Gibson of the Department of Hispanic Studies all presented their various research and professional experiences during multiple academic sessions and panels at the 2017 Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference held at the University of North Carolina Wilmington on October 5-7.  For related […]

Dr. Gómez’s Article to Appear in _BHS_

Professor Michael A. Gómez’s study “Traces of ‘Hard’ Science in Selections from Tirso Aguimana de Veca’s Una temporada en el más bello de los planetas” has been accepted for publication in the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies.

CofC’s Nu Zeta Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi Named Honor Chapter for 7th Consecutive Year

The Nu Zeta Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, was among 12 of the 613 chapters of Sigma Delta Pi nationwide to receive the Honor Chapter award for outstanding activities executed during the 2016-17 academic year.  This was the 7th consecutive year that the College of Charleston received this prestigious recognition, […]

Dr. Edward Chauca Presents Research at International Conferences

Professor Edward Chauca presented his research in two different conferences in summer 2017: “Perú al pie del orbe: Re-appropriating Science and Technology in Novels by César Vallejo and Clemente Palma” at the American Comparative Literature Association’s 2017 Annual Meeting at Utrecht University, Netherlands. July, 6-9, 2017. “La distopía del sujeto moderno: racionalidad, materialidad y afecto en Travesía […]