Author Archives: mosesle

Dr. Rodríguez Sabater’s article accepted for publication

Dear HISP Faculty & Friends,

I am very happy to announce that Dr. Silvia Rodríguez Sabater’s short-form article, “Food for Thought: Building Socially Conscious Readers and Writers through Exploring Eating Practices and Sustainability Perspectives,” has been accepted for publication in Hispania. Please join me in congratulating her for this significant achievement.

All best, Mike Gómez

HispaCasts: Episode 10, Alumnus Justin Lyons (CofC Class of 2014)

Click the playbar below to hear the 10th episode of HispaCasts created in collaboration with Dr. Mike Overholt from the Teaching and Learning Team.

Justin Lyons – November 2019


Dr. Michael Gómez, Chair of Hispanic Studies, interviews CofC alumnus Justin Lyons (2014) to discuss his experience at the College of Charleston as a Spanish major and Linguistics minor.  Justin’s current work focuses on social and restorative justice, areas of interest that were fostered at the College in his language classes and his co-curricular engagement with Student Action with Farmworkers.  HispaCasts are produced by Dr. Michael Overholt of the Teaching and Learning Team.

HispaCasts: Episode 9, Mike Gómez (Professor and Chair)

Click the playbar below to hear the 9th episode of HispaCasts created in collaboration with Dr. Mike Overholt from the Teaching and Learning Team.Dr. Michael A. Gómez – October 2019


This summer, Professor and Chair Mark Del Mastro accepted the position of associate provost for curriculum and academic administration in the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. Hispanic Studies now has a new chair, Professor Mike Gómez, a graduate of The College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA and of Boston University. Professor Gómez arrived at the College of Charleston in 2003, and since then he has taught classes in Hispanic Studies relating to his various areas of research—the intersection of literature, science and philosophy—as well as outside the department, as part of the Honors Western Civ team. 

Michael Overholt from the Teaching and Learning Team had the privilege of sitting down with Chair Gómez and finding out more about the man behind the helm of the largest and most comprehensive undergraduate Spanish program in the Southeast.