Author Archives: mosesle

Madi Crow Shines a Light on Latin American Indigenous Languages

A news story has been posted at CofC Today regarding Madi Crow and her visual dictionary portraying some the immigrant indigenous languages that she identified in her Bachelor’s Essay project.

We are all very proud of her work and her achievements.
Enhorabuena, Madi!

Ricard Viñas-de-Puig, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Hispanic Studies
Director, Linguistics Studies

HISP / Dr. Rodríguez Sabater

Dear HISP & Friends,

I am very happy to announce that Hispanic Studies’ own Dr. Silvia Rodríguez Sabater has been named Associate Editor of Short Form Pedagogical Articles at the prestigious journal Hispania (see press release below).

Please join me in congratulating her on this impressive achievement.



Dr. Michael A. Gómez
Professor of Spanish
Affiliated Faculty in Philosophy
Chair of Hispanic Studies
College of Charleston


Hispania’s newest Associate Editor is Silvia Rodriguez Sabater, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies and Faculty Coordinator for Distance Education and Online Learning at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. She holds a Licenciatura from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), a graduate diploma in Legal Translation (Spanish, English, Catalan) from the the Escola d’Administració Pública de la Generalitat de Catalunya and the UAB, an M.A. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Northern Iowa and the Ph.D. in Hispanic Linguistics from Indiana University. She has a long history of engagement with the College of Charleston’s M.Ed. in Languages Program and served as that program’s Director from 2015-2018. Rodriguez Sabater will be working together with Associate Editor Pamela G. Benton and the Hispania editorial team with the goal of continually shaping the short-form article section of the journal to increase involvement with K-12 members of the AATSP in particular. Her own short-form article titled “Food for Thought: Building Socially Conscious Readers and Writers through Exploring Eating Practices and Sustainability Perspectives,” was published in the June 2020 issue of Hispania!

HISP / Yulian Martínez-Escobar’s Documentary “Invisible Hands”

Dear HISP Colleagues, Students and Friends,

For those of you who have not seen it, I would like to pass on the following link to Hispanic Studies’ own Yulian Martínez-Escobar’s short documentary film, Invisible Hands:

Invisible Hands is an intimate film documenting a group of Mexican seasonal laborers in rural South Carolina. The film is set at a farm in Ridge Spring, a historically conservative community with strong links to their Confederate heritage, but also the temporary home of hundreds of seasonal workers who double the town’s population for more than half the year. The community is an island that the characters never leave except the few months they return home to Mexico. This film follows a typical day in their shoes.

Besides being timely, this production puts on display the many talents of the members of our faculty, in this case, Mr. Martínez-Escobar.

All best,

Mike Gómez


Dr. Michael A. Gómez

Professor of Spanish

Affiliated Faculty in Philosophy

Chair of Hispanic Studies

HISP / Graduating SPAN Major Blaine Billings Wins Prestigious Mario Vargas Llosa Award for 2020

Dear HISP & Friends,

I am very pleased to announce that recent Hispanic Studies graduate Mr. Blaine Billings has been awarded the prestigious  Mario Vargas Llosa Award, given by the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, Sigma Delta Pi (press release follows):


25 May 2020

For Immediate Release

Blaine Billings Receives National Mario Vargas Llosa Award

Mr. Blaine Billings (College of Charleston ’20), triple major in Spanish, Computer Science and Math; double minor in Religious Studies and Linguistics; past President of the Linguistics Club; and past Secretary of the College of Charleston’s Nu Zeta Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, will be awarded the Mario Vargas Llosa Award for his outstanding achievement in all upper-division Spanish courses completed and his exemplary involvement in extra-curricular activities as related to Spanish.  The Mario Vargas Llosa Award is granted yearly to one undergraduate Spanish major or minor who is a member of Sigma Delta Pi and whose chapter adviser is an active member of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.  This national recognition is co-sponsored by Sigma Delta Pi and the AATSP and is selected by a joint committee comprising academic leaders from both organizations.

Established in 1919 at the University of California, Berkeley, Sigma Delta Pi honors those who have completed three years of study of college-level Spanish, including at least three semester hours of a course in Hispanic literature or Hispanic culture and civilization with a minimal grade point average of 3.0 in all Spanish courses taken. Candidates must also rank in the upper 35% of their class–sophomore, junior, or senior–and must have completed at least three semesters or five quarters of college work. Graduate students may also be elected to membership upon completion of two graduate courses in Spanish with an average which, if continued, will make them eligible for a graduate degree.

With over 625 chapters nationwide, Sigma Delta Pi is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies, the nation’s only certifying agency for college and university honor societies.

For more information, contact Sigma Delta Pi’s National President:

Lucy F. Lee 


To say that we in Hispanic Studies are proud of Blaine and his accomplishment is—to put it mildly—an understatement.

Saludos cordiales,

Dr. Michael A. Gómez
Professor of Spanish
Affiliated Faculty in Philosophy
Chair of Hispanic Studies
Department of Hispanic Studies
College of Charleston

HISP / AY 2019-2020 Edition of Hispanews Magazine

Dear HISP & Friends,

It is with great pride that I present you with the latest edition of the official magazine of Hispanic Studies, Hispanews.

As you will see, we packed a lot into this past academic year of 2019-2020. Thanks to all who participated in our many activities—students, teachers and friends. Truly, things wouldn’t be the same without you.

In addition, thanks and congratulations to the magazine’s wonderful editorial team–which consisted of Editor Prof. Daniel Delgado and Associate Editors Ms. Kimber Bates, Dr. Emily Beck, Prof. Claudia Moran, Ms. Laura Moses and Dr. Antonio Pérez-Núñez.

Saludos cordiales,

Dr. Michael A. Gómez
Professor of Spanish
Affiliated Faculty in Philosophy
Chair of Hispanic Studies
Department of Hispanic Studies
College of Charleston

HISP / Lola Colomina’s Article Acceptance / Bulletin of Contemporary Hispanic Studies

Dear HISP & Friends,

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Lola Colomina’s article, “‘Mediación cognitiva y simulacro en el marco de lo virtual: La gran ventana de los sueños (2013) de Fogwill’,” has been accepted for publication in the Bulletin of Contemporary Hispanic Studies. Congratulations, Lola! A wonderful conclusion to a brilliant career at the College.

Un saludo,


Dr. Michael A. Gómez
Professor of Spanish
Affiliated Faculty in Philosophy
Chair of Hispanic Studies
Department of Hispanic Studies
College of Charleston

HISP / Dr. Joseph Weyers’s Contribution to CuéntELE Published

Dear HISP & Friends,

I am proud to announce that Dr. Joe Weyers’s contribution to  CuéntELE– an online publication of the School of Languages at EAFIT University, an esteemed private institution in Medellín, Colombia—has just been published.

Dr. Weyers’s invited piece forms part of a wider collection of short, thematically focused articles written by students, faculty and distinguished guests, and utilized in ELE’s curriculum.

Volume 6, in which Joe’s article “El caso excepcional del guaraní paraguayo” (pgs. 6-7) appears, deals with the theme of indigenous languages.

Un saludo,


Dr. Michael A. Gómez

Para consultar la revista dar clic en:

HispaCasts: Episode 11, Alumnus Will Davis (CofC Class of 2016)

Click the playbar below to hear the 11th episode of HispaCasts created in collaboration with Dr. Mike Overholt from the Teaching and Learning Team.

Will Davis  – January 31, 2020

Dr. Michael Gómez, Chair of Hispanic Studies, interviews CofC alumnus Will Davis (2016) to discuss his post-CofC education in International Relations at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, his subsequent experiences working in the field of Global Security for Strategic Capacity Group, and how all of this arose from his choosing to major in a foreign language.  HispaCasts are produced by Dr. Michael Overholt of the Teaching and Learning Team.

Guiton Sketch, Carnivale Intrigue, and Sardana by Kevin MacLeod

Alumni Corner: Christin Stewart, ’11 – Spanish Beyond the Classroom

Dear HISP Students, Faculty & Friends,

I thought that I would pass along a link to Hispanic Studies’ Alumni Corner:

As you will see from looking through the included biographies, Hispanic Studies’ graduates have become involved in many fascinating fields—from public health, to education, to medicine and business, etc.—since finishing their respective degrees.

In addition, you will note that their Spanish/Portuguese studies –and related CofC-directed experiences abroad in Trujillo (Spain), Santiago (Chile), etc.– were only the beginning of their exposure to other peoples and places.

For those proceeding through major, minor and/or Gen. Ed. requirements, I hope you will keep such cases in mind and let them inspire you as you look to your own possible futures.

For those who have so generously supported Hispanic Studies over the years, I hope you will look with pride on the effects of your contributions.

Un saludo cordial a todos/as,


Dr. Michael A. Gómez

Chair & Professor of Spanish

Affiliated Faculty in Philosophy

Department of Hispanic Studies

College of Charleston

Charleston, SC 29424

Office: J.C. Long, Rm. 123

Phone: (843) 953-7125

Dr. Joseph Weyers’s Article to Appear in Hispania

Dear HISP & Friends,

I am pleased to announce that Joseph Weyers’s study, “Linguistic attitudes among Antioquian (Colombia) teachers: Vos and its role in education,” has been accepted for publication in Hispania.

Please join me in offering Dr. Weyers a hearty congratulations for this considerable achievement.

Un saludo cordial,

Mike Gómez