Author Archives: Michael Gomez

HISP Student Focus, October 2023: Ms. Isa Pinchevski

HISP Student Focus, October 2023: Ms. Isa Pinchevski

HISP is proud to present its Student Focus for October of 2023, Ms. Isa Pinchevski.

A double major in both Spanish and Public Health, Isa exemplifies exactly the sort of broad ranging intellectual curiosity that is a hallmark of the sort of liberal arts education that that the College of Charleston strives to provide its undergraduates.

On the side of the arts and letters, since arriving on campus, Ms. Pinchevski has involved herself in clubs and activities such as the Club de lectura (a Hispanic Studies sponsored Spanish language book club in which students get to read and discuss—for the pure pleasure of doing so!—works of literature with their peers and HISP faculty); on that of the sciences, she is a member of the Public Health Society and has spent time shadowing medical personnel in the E.R.

Related to the above, Isa–whose path has led her from Caracas, Venezuela to Charleston, South Carolina, by way of Florida– is an active member of Hispanic Studies Spanish Heritage Language Distinction (SHLD) Program, as well as a regular attendee at SHLD’s ever-popular Hora de la limonada, routinely hosted by HISP’s own, Dr. Silvia Rodríguez Sabater.

In her own words…

[Upon arriving at the College of Charleston] I knew I wanted to pursue a career in the health field, so I chose to be a Public Health major. To my surprise, I later found an in-depth interest in deepening my understanding of Spanish and Spanish culture and found myself pursuing a Spanish major.

Coming from a Spanish background, I had interest in learning more about my heritage and [language], so I considered pursuing a Spanish minor. Upon speaking to my academic advisor, she agreed this would be a great idea, so that was when I took the first step into declaring Spanish as my minor.

Since I am a native speaker, I took some placement tests to see what classes I could place into and I placed into SPAN 312 with Dra. Sabater […].  Although I am proficient in Spanish, I realized I was lacking some grammar and literature skills, as well as knowledge of different Hispanic cultures. This piqued my interest in wanting to learn more. In addition, I also realized that Spanish is slowly becoming a second language in the United States and that I can use my roots to help my community in the health field.

After taking SPAN 312 with Dra. Sabater I spoke to her about how I was only a Spanish minor and she gave me the idea to become a Spanish major. Thanks to her I declared […]. Hopefully in the future I am able to pursue a career in the health field as well as [within] the Spanish community.

Hispanic Studies Student Focus, September 2023: Mauricio Moreno García

Hispanic Studies Student Focus, September 2023: Mauricio Moreno García

With the start of another academic year, HISP is truly fortunate to be able to resume its Student Focus series. For the month of September, the feature is Mr. Mauricio García Moreno.

A double major in both Spanish and Psychology, Mauricio has fully embraced a number of meaningful roles and opportunities since arriving at the College of Charleston—just a few examples of these roles being his work with Multicultural Student Programs and Services (MSPS) as a Spectra leader, as well as his considerable contributions to HISP’s Spanish Conversation Class program as a Student Peer Educator.

Beyond all of this, Mr. Moreno García both forms an integral part of and serves as an enthusiastic promoter of Hispanic Studies’ Spanish as a Heritage Language Distinction program, in addition to belonging to the ever-active and dynamic Hispanic Latino Club at CofC.

While so much more could be said about the many ways in which Mauricio contributes to the Hispanic Studies Department, in particular, and to the institution of the College, in general, let it suffice to say that both are fortunate for his decision to join our campus community.

In his own words…

When I initially entered college, my sole intention was to pursue a psychology major, and I had little interest in enhancing my proficiency in Spanish. However, a transformative shift occurred when I enrolled in a humanities course taught by Dr. Rodriguez Sabater. Although the class was conducted entirely in English, I couldn’t help but recognize my struggle to keep up with my Spanish language skills. This realization prompted me to take up a course in “Spanish as a Heritage Speaker,” which provided a platform for interaction with fellow Spanish speakers sharing similar proficiency levels. Witnessing that my struggle was not unique fueled my motivation.

Moreover, the course exposed me to a community of individuals who aspired to enhance their Spanish skills to better engage with the Latino/Hispanic community within their respective fields. This experience shed light on the scarcity of Spanish speakers and representation within the occupational therapy sector. With the guidance of Dr. Rodriguez Sabater, I decided to pursue a minor in Spanish. As my involvement deepened within the Spanish department, including my collaboration with SHLD and my role as a peer educator for Spanish, my passion for learning the language flourished. This enthusiasm led me to make the decision to declare Spanish as a major alongside my psychology major.

The department provided me not only with a supportive community but also exceptional mentors like Dr. Rodriguez Sabater and Dr. Fredricks, who consistently encouraged me to strive for excellence. I am excited to be part of this academic journey and to be studying something that truly ignites my passion. The presence of these outstanding mentors assures me that I have a reliable source of guidance as I continue to progress.”

Hispanic Studies Faculty Focus, September 2023: Dr. Joseph Weyers


Hispanic Studies Faculty Focus, September 2023: Dr. Joseph Weyers

For the month of September 2023, Hispanic Studies is proud to be able to spotlight Dr. Joseph Weyers as its Faculty Focus feature.

Since arriving at the College of Charleston in 1995 with an M.A. in Latin American Studies from the University of New Mexico and a doctorate in Romance languages from the same institution in his back pocket, Dr. Weyers has distinguished himself both as a teacher and a scholar, being recognized for his considerable instructional skills by way of no less than two ExCel Outstanding LCWA Faculty Awards (in 2014 and, again, in 2021), as well as by publishing extensively in linguistics in top journals in his field—e.g., in Hispania (with his “Linguistic attitudes among Antioquian (Colombia) teachers: Vos and its role in education”), in the Southern Journal of Linguistics (see his “A tale of three languages: Spanish, Guaraní, and English in Asunción, Paraguay”) and—though, this by no means exhausts the list—in Spanish in Context (“Vos and in the linguistic landscape: Attitudes toward their use in Medellín, Colombia”).

Dr. Weyers has also assumed more than a few leadership roles—both within the context of the College and beyond this—serving as Hispanic Studies Chair (2005-2010), as Co-Director of Global Scholars (2008-present) and (again, not exhausting the list) as President of the South Carolina chapter of the nation-wide organization, the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.

So as not to devolve September 2023’s Faculty Focus feature into a curriculum vitae, let it be said, by way of conclusion, that Hispanic Studies and the College of Charleston have benefited immeasurably from Dr. Weyers’ association since he joined the faculty all those years ago. For this, he has—to be sure—his colleagues’ sincerest admiration and appreciation.

In his own words…

I will always remember the last class of the semester in SPAN 381 many years ago. I completed my final syntactic tree on the board and dramatically concluded, ‘And that, my friends, is why syntax is important’! One student gasped and applauded. (Corina, I hope you’re reading this!) While I’ve not been able to repeat that moment of applause, I keep trying. Seeing that ‘lightbulb’ go off is an incredible feeling. It’s what I love about teaching. The possibility of inspiring my students is awesome. I constantly remind myself that I, too, was a Spanish student in high school and college. I sat at my desk in awe of the language and culture of amazing parts of the world, delivered by dedicated, passionate educators. Being able to share that enthusiasm with my students – to pay it forward — is a true pleasure. And when my students are inspired (even if they don’t applaud), it makes it all worthwhile.”



Hispanic Studies Student Focus, April 2023: Cameron Akers

Hispanic Studies Student Focus, April 2023: Cameron Akers

Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus feature for April of 2023 is Cameron Akers.

Cameron is yet another example of someone who has managed to combine a major course of study in Spanish with one in a complementary major (there are so many!)—in this case, International Business. Among the many activities in which Cameron has involved himself during his time on campus are his participation in both the Spanish Club and the Finance Club. Of course, he hasn’t been to many in-person meetings of either group this semester…Did he lose interest? Did he resign his membership? Neither/nor. He decided to spend the Spring 2023 semester in Trujillo, Spain!

Related to the above—and beyond—Cameron has distinguished himself by being named to the College of Charleston’s prestigious Dean’s List, as well as by being a part of the CAA Conference Championship Golf Team, the latter during the 2020-2021 season.

In his own words…

“I arrived at CofC in the fall of 2020 on a golf scholarship and faced a year of unknowns. I worked hard and became a part of a conference championship team while excelling in the classroom. However, I felt that I had been missing out on a typical college experience and decided to take time away from golf to chase new passions. I had been an exceptional Spanish speaker and student ever since I was in middle school thanks to the influence of my dad as he majored in Spanish at the University of Virginia. I also had a keen interest in business, so I decided to combine the two. The Spanish department at CofC has been beyond helpful during my time here and I am extremely grateful for the opportunities they have presented me. Sra. Hanahan was a key player in my experience as she urged me to double major in Spanish and International Business, as well as apply to study abroad in Trujillo, Spain in the Spring of 2023. I am so excited I listened to her because I have had the pleasure of immersing myself in Trujillo with a wonderful host family and the proud citizens of the town. Here I am also doing an internship with a local hotel creating small-group travel excursions for American travel companies in the Extremadura, Spain region. This has given me the chance to improve my business skills as well as showcase the beautiful area of Spain that I call home. With this experience, I have also had the chance to travel around Spain and Europe. With the continued guidance and support of the Spanish department, I hope to return to Spain in the future and forge a promising business career and continue to learn and grow in the beautiful Spanish culture.”

Hispanic Studies Faculty Focus, April 2023: Prof. Devon Hanahan

Hispanic Studies Faculty Focus, April 2023: Prof. Devon Hanahan

Hispanic Studies’ Faculty Focus for April 2023 in Prof. Devon Hanahan.

Who is that in the kitchen and what exactly is she doing? Why, it’s HISP’s own Prof. Devon Hanahan and, by the looks of those electrical outlets, I’d say she is in Spain whipping up some sort of delicious cultural culinary experience for participants in the department’s longstanding and fabled Trujillo, Spain study abroad program.

A graduate of the College of Charleston (where she attained her B.A. in Spanish) and of the University of South Carolina (at which she earned an M.A. in the same field), Prof. Hanahan has been a member of the Department of Hispanic Studies on and off since 1995 and full time since 2000, assuming her present role as Basic Spanish Language Coordinator in 2014.

As her students and colleagues will both attest, Prof. Hanahan is a fixture at many of the Department’s events, including Tertulia and those held by the National Spanish Honor Society, Sigma Delta Pi, the latter for which she has served as faculty advisor since 2020.

To sum up all the many ways in which Prof. Devon Hanahan has made Hispanic Studies (to say nothing of CofC at large) a better place is simply not possible to do in the present context. As such, the writer of this feature will end merely by expressing his gratitude to Prof. Hanahan for all she has done and continues to do, as well as his hope that she sticks around for many years to come.

In her own words…

“I am so grateful to have a job I love, and it all comes down to people and places. The College of Charleston campus and the town of Trujillo are two of the most beautiful and welcoming sites on earth, and it is a privilege to work in both of them. But it is the people that make teaching for the Department of Hispanic Studies such a joy. My colleagues are not only my co-workers but also my advisors, teachers, and cherished friends. My students are my professional raison d’être: watching them get excited about learning never gets old, and every one of them is unique and brings something special to my classroom and my life. I love my job as much as I did on day one, and I have never been bored in my life. That is my definition of success!”

Hispanic Studies Faculty Focus, March 2023: Dr. Carmen Gallegos-Pérez

Hispanic Studies Faculty Focus, March 2023: Dr. Carmen Gallegos-Pérez

Dr. Carmen Gallegos-Peréz is Hispanic Studies’ Faculty Focus for March 2023.

Dr. Gallegos-Pérez—who graduated with a Ph.D. in Spanish, Latin American Literatures and Cultures from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign — joined Hispanic Studies during the 2022-2023 academic year in the capacity of Visiting Assistant Professor.

During this time she did such a wonderful job teaching HISP’s program of study in the Spanish for Business Minor, that the department decided to make things permanent–starting in fall of 2023, when Dr. Gallegos-Pérez will assume the role of Instructor of Spanish for Business.

As any who have signed up to take Carmen’s classes over the past two semesters in Spanish for Business are well aware, her unique focus on Eco-Criticism and Extractive Industries — as evidenced in her doctoral dissertation, “Quantifying Amazonia: Ecocritical Fictions during and beyond the Rubber Boom in Peru, Colombia and Brazil (19th–21st centuries)”—makes for an enriching experience in which students learn, not just the terminologies and concepts central to conducting commerce in the Hispanic linguistical and cultural context, but also become aware of the history of the dynamic (sometimes good, sometimes not so good) which has defined relations between industry and society, and how this representation becomes manifest in film and literature.

Beyond the classroom, Dr. Gallegos-Pérez has also been quite busy since her arrival at CofC, lending her time, talents, enthusiasm — and, believe it or not, an as yet-to-be-named, sunglass-wearing, stuffed llama— to her activities with the Spanish Club, for which she serves as advisor. Additionally, she has involved herself with the CofC Hispanic Latino Club and planned a Latin American film festival, in conjunction with her colleague Dr. José Chávarry.

In her own words…

“What I enjoy most about working at the College of Charleston is the freedom to develop classes on topics I am passionate about, and to share this enthusiasm with my students. I find it inspiring to discuss and listen to my students’ perspective on topic such as business and commerce, environmental issues, and cultural and political topics about Latin America and Spain.

Moreover, it is fulfilling to guide my students’ development and it brings me joy to see their improvement in Spanish language, not to mention their success beyond the classroom–applying to fellowships, and winning awards!

Lastly, I am glad to have found a loving and energetic community at the CofC: participating in activities such as informal chats at Tertulia, events sponsored by the Hispanic Latino Club, and movies with empanadas in the Latin American Film series.  I love spending quality time with students and colleagues. There is always something exciting to do at CofC and this makes working here a unique experience!”

Hispanic Studies Student Focus, March 2023: Ms. Regan Honeycutt (’23)

Hispanic Studies Student Focus, March 2023: Ms. Regan Honeycutt (’23)

Ms. Regan Honeycutt is Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus for March of 2023.

Ever wonder if you could fit in a major in Spanish along with that B.S. in Biology? Well, ecce Regan Honeycutt and wonder no more. A major in Spanish since her first year on campus, Regan has also managed to undertake parallel studies, not just in Biology, but also in Linguistics, in which she will receive a minor.

Within Hispanic Studies, Regan has been a constant contributor through such activities as her tutoring of HISP’s Spanish students in her work with the Center for Student Learning, as well as in the context of the department’s dynamic Spanish Club, for which she serves as president.

When not engaged in her studies of Spanish, Regan keeps herself occupied (and quite occupied at that) with her research into matters biological and linguistical—an example of the former being her studies into “The effects of elevated salinity on mate choice and oviposition site choice in squirrel treefrogs (Hyla squirella).”

In her own words…

“I started learning Spanish in high school and knew I wanted to major in college. I never expected such an amazing experience with the Department. I have learned so much! Not just the language either, but culture, literature, art, representation, politics, and even environmental ecology. The Hispanic Studies Department has always felt like a family to me. I have always been so grateful for my Spanish professors. Every single one has not only remembered me, but they will stop in the halls to ask me how I am. They are always willing to give me advice long after their class has ended. In fact, I have always felt torn between my two majors: Biology and Spanish. I couldn’t really find an intersection between the two. However, this year my professors Dr. Ricard Viñas de Puig, Dr. Colleen Moorman, and Dr. Ezequiel Durand-Lopez have helped me finally find my place in academia. The knowledge, connections, and advice I gained during my time here will follow me throughout my life.”

Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus, February 2023: Ms. Elisa Peñaloza

Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus, February 2023: Ms. Elisa Peñaloza

Ms. Elisa Peñaloza is Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus for February 2023.

As any smart, forward-thinking individual inclined towards business can tell you, in our increasingly diversifying society, cultural and linguistic fluency represents the difference between a sale made and an opportunity lost.

Of course, you needn’t tell this to Elisa Peñaloza, who is already acutely aware of the fact, having paired her B.S. in Marketing with a Minor in Spanish for Business—a combination which, as she notes, will enable her to “use proficiency in the Spanish language to advertise and market to a Spanish-speaking consumer base.”

Besides her enrollment in the popular Spanish for Business Minor, Ms. Peñaloza is also active in the life of Hispanic Studies Department, being a member of the Spanish Club, the Hispanic Latino Club and a participant in the Spanish as a Heritage Language Distinction initiative—a program which recognizes Hispanic/Latino students at the College of Charleston with a unique and valuable connection to Spanish as a heritage language and to the varied cultures of the Hispanic world.

If the adage that the whole is only as good as the sum of its parts is true, then Hispanic Studies has good reason to be thankful that Ms. Elisa Peñaloza has chosen to join the department as one of its students.

In her own words…

“The moment I arrived at the College of Charleston, I knew I wanted to be involved with the Hispanic community on campus as much as possible. I grew up in a Mexican household in an area where there weren’t many Hispanics, so unfortunately, I never got the delight of being surrounded by peers who could relate to me. I was introduced to the Spanish as a Heritage Language Distinction program shortly after starting the semester, and I quickly fell in love with the program and everyone involved. Dra. Rodriguez-Sabater, my first Spanish teacher on campus, has demonstrated to me that regardless of your current level of Spanish proficiency, no matter how high you may think it is, you can always learn something new. It was because of her Spanish Heritage course that I read and finished my first Spanish book -ever- and am now able to proudly say that I know where to place the accents in my writing. Through this program and the Hispanic-Latino and Spanish clubs on campus, I’ve made many friends who understand the Hispanic experience and the importance of embracing our heritage. The Hispanic Studies department has proven to be a place of comfort for me, with passionate professors willing to go the extra mile to help me advance. I’m thankful to have found a place where I belong and am always welcomed with open arms. My time at the College of Charleston has only begun, and I still have much more to accomplish and learn during my time here. I hope to see the Spanish Heritage Distinction program expand and the growth of students who value the importance of the Spanish language and decide to continue with it.”

Hispanic Studies’ Faculty Focus, February 2023: Prof. Elizabeth Cox

Hispanic Studies’ Faculty Focus, February 2023: Prof. Elizabeth Cox

Prof. Elizabeth Cox is Hispanic Studies’ Faculty Focus for February 2023.

A native of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Prof. Cox was raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she received her Bachelor of Arts in Education in Early Child Development from the Instituto Superior de Profesorado de Educación Inicial Sara C. de Eccleston. Subsequently, she completed an M.Ed. in Languages at the College of Charleston, in Charleston, S.C.

As any student who has been fortunate enough to study with her well knows, Prof. Cox is a seasoned instructor who knows her way around the Spanish language classroom. Among the many beneficiaries of her pedagogical prowess have been students at Mason Preparatory School, Trident Technical College, Johnson & Wales, Bishop England and—last but not least—the esteemed College of Charleston, whose faculty she joined in fall of 2019.

Beyond the classroom, Prof. Cox has lent her considerable expertise as a Spanish language interpreter for the Medical University of South Carolina, in its physical and occupational therapy clinics, as well as for the Public Defender Office of Charleston.

In her own words…

“I have been teaching Spanish since moving to the United States from Buenos Aires, Argentina about 30 years ago. I have taught in elementary school, middle school, high school, and teaching at the college level these last 3 years feels like coming home. CofC is where I earned my M. Ed. in the Spanish language and where my entire family studied and earned their degree. My husband and two sons all played soccer for CofC. What I love the most about teaching college students is that I get to share my love for the language and the special nuances of each culture. By transmitting this passion, I have the possibility of opening a whole new world to my students, many of whom I see get mesmerized with the different perspectives and ideas they did not even know existed. It’s especially rewarding to see my students adopt my passion and look for more opportunities to explore the different ways of life. Many have gone on to take semesters abroad and always come back to share their experience and reward me with their feedback. All come back inspired and grateful for opening that door to a much larger world.”




Hispanic Studies Faculty Focus, December 2022: Dr. Ezequiel Durand-López

Hispanic Studies Faculty Focus, December 2022: Dr. Ezequiel Durand-López

A recent graduate with a Ph.D. in Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition from Rutgers University, Dr. Durand-López also has received degrees from the Universidad Nebrija in Madrid, Spain (an M.A. in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language) and from the Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires, Argentina (a B.A. in Linguistics and Literature).

Since joining Hispanic Studies as an Assistant Professor in the fall of 2022, Ezequiel has quickly become an essential part of the lives of HISP students and faculty, masterfully co-directing (along with colleague Dr. Carmen Gallegos-Pérez) the Spanish Club, taking the Tertulia to a whole new level (something which involves Jenga, prize give-aways and, believe it or not, a llama) and designing exciting new course offerings, such as spring 2023’s SPAN 316 Applied Spanish: Spanish Language Processing–a class sure to be a hit with SPAN students who are also studying Computer Science, Psychology and Business, among other subjects.

As for his fascinating research, Dr. Durand-López has published on “Morphological processing and individual frequency effects in L1 and L2 Spanish” (in the journal, Lingua), on “A bilingual advantage in memory capacity: Assessing the roles of proficiency, number of languages acquired and age of acquisition” (in the International Journal of Bilingualism) and on the topic of “L2 within-language morphological competition during spoken word recognition” (in Language Acquisition).

In his own words…

“I am most fortunate to work at the College of Charleston, where interdisciplinary teaching is highly valued. With regard to teaching, CofC provides me with a valuable opportunity to develop and impart interdisciplinary courses that are aimed at increasing students’ professional competence in Spanish at the same time that students acquire the technical skills of their profession in either Computer Science or Psychology. Specifically, I am developing SPAN 316, Spanish Language Processing, that allows students (1) to create a Spanish corpus made up of the fundamental texts of their profession and then (2) to analyze it using methods from computational linguistics that are useful in a wide range of professional environments. Additionally, I am collaborating with the Department of Psychology developing courses on the Spanish-English bilingual mind from a cognitive standpoint. I also enjoy how supportive College of Charleston is regarding community outreach, as I am also establishing connections between regional public schools and the Department of Hispanic Studies in order to promote the professional and cognitive benefits of speaking Spanish and being bilingual. I am very pleased to be able to conduct research in an area with a growing Spanish-speaking population, and to have students who are interested in making Charleston a place where bilingualism is valued.”