National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society Inducts New Members

By | November 10, 2011
On Tuesday, November 7 at 7:00pm in the Alumni Center, the College of Charleston’s Nu Zeta Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, initiated 17 new student and five new faculty members.  Congrats to the following students:
Michele Abbaticchio
April Adams
Megan Alder
James Benjamin Andrew
Emily Blaire Bronaugh
Jeff Brooks
Elizabeth Corrigan
Crystal Frost
Laurie Francis Harrison
Courtney James
Carol Elizabeth Moore
Lua Eijsink Parsi
Brianna Platzer
Ashley Yvonne Rodgers
Sara Elizabeth Smith
Amelia Thomson
Jessica Lauren Wisner

And faculty:

Antonio Aiello
Raúl Carrillo-Arciniega
Carmen Maria Grace
Andrew Sobiesuo
Carl Wise

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