Dr. Mark P. Del Mastro, Chair of Hispanic Studies, Recognizes the 2011 Distinguished Majors of Spanish.
On May 6, 2011, the annual Student Awards Ceremony of the School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs recognized six different Hispanic Studies Students for their outstanding academic accomplishments. Sara Sprehn was honored for receiving a Fulbright Scholarship, the Graeser Memorial Award (outstanding school-wide language major), Most Accomplished Spanish Major and Distinguished Major of Spanish. Dylan Kornegay was recognized for receiving the national Gabriela Mistral Award for her academic accomplishments and initiative with the College of Charleston’s Chapter of the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society. Katherine Williamson was awarded Outstanding Major in Spanish; she was also named Distinguished Major in Spanish along with Lauren Glaser and Christin Stewart. The Most Accomplished Portuguese Student Award was presented to Candice Thompson, and the Transfer Student Awards for Outstanding Academic Achievement were given to Lauren Brown and Sharon Ramirez.