Hispanic Studies Student Focus, December 2022: Mr. Kevin Riley

By | December 7, 2022

Hispanic Studies Student Focus, December 2022: Mr. Kevin Riley

Mr. Kevin Riley, Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus for December, is a Foreign Language Education and Spanish major, who, like many SPAN students, has also declared a minor in Linguistics.

During past semesters, Kevin has contributed to the department as one of its Spanish Conversation Peer Instructors and been a regular attendee at Spanish Club events, including the ever-popular Tertulia. In addition, as he puts it, Mr. Riley has endeavored to “ingrain [his] language-learning journey into [his] daily life” through such activities as his job at a Mexican restaurant, where he enjoys immersing himself in the culture and cuisine of Mexico, and his world travels, which have included Spain, Puerto Rico and —soon— Mexico.

Of course, it is exactly this sort of passion for the Spanish language and its many cultural contexts that Hispanic Studies strives to ignite in its majors and minors and it is students like Kevin that make the department such a great community to be a part of.

For these reasons, and many others, HISP is pleased to number Mr. Kevin Riley among its talented group of students.

In his own words…

“As far as my experience in the Hispanic Studies Department, I’ve found an even deeper love for world languages and cultures. I’ve always had an interest since I was young but coming to college has expanded it even further. I’ve also been able to meet many great professors who not only are very easy to get along with but show a great dedication to and investment in our learning and development as students which I find extremely inspiring as a future teacher. They have been great mentors in helping me explore all my opportunities for the future. Whether I pursue graduate school, the Fulbright Program, or a career in teaching English abroad, my professors and advisors have given great advice and been super helpful in helping me realize all the possibilities I have. Within the department, I feel a sense of community not only with the professors, but with my peers as well. I’ve made some great friends through classes and events offered who share similar aspirations so that we not only have good times together but can mutually help each other to succeed. I also very highly value the variety of topics within the classes offered in the department. I’ve talked to several friends in other colleges about their education and Spanish departments and the different aspects of each one, and I always find that I’ve made the right choice in coming to the College of Charleston in order to pursue my dreams.”

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