HISP Student Focus for March 2020: Ms. Brandy del Río

By | March 4, 2020

Ms. Brandy del Río (’20) is Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus for March, 2020.

A Spanish minor, with a major in English, Brandy keeps herself quite occupied, being associated with such departmental organizations as the Hispanic Latino Club, as well as with others on campus, including the Vegan Club, the Alliance for Planet Earth and the Higdon Leadership Cohort.

As if this weren’t enough, Ms. del Río also finds time to volunteer her services to the MS Society, Vegan Outreach and the College of Charleston Honor Board.

And when she isn’t doing any of this? She writes poetry–and gets published! Check out Brandy’s poem, “Deniers,” in the upcoming fall 2020 volume of Label Me Latino/a.

Congratulations to Brandy, both on her accomplishment(s) and on her being named this month’s Student Focus.

In her own words:

I am an English major with a creative writing concentration. As a Spanish minor, I take pride in the language that, although it has transformed from the time that my family passed it on to me, I have learned with patience and gratitude. I also appreciate it from the literary standpoint, having learned about writers such as Nancy Morejon, Rosario Castellanos, and the illustrious Sor Juana.

Being involved in Hispanic studies has allowed me to create a better foundation for the identity studies that invigorate my desire to continue learning and writing. With the help of various professors in the Spanish Department, I have become motivated to continue my studies to further the depth of knowledge concerning identity issues and literature studies. Being published as an undergraduate has reinvigorated my passion for writing and in many ways validated it. Literature and Writing is so important, especially in this ever complicated world that we are living in.

One thought on “HISP Student Focus for March 2020: Ms. Brandy del Río

  1. Kelly Taylor

    Congratulations Brandy. You deserve that
    And more. Continue to be awesome. We are so proud of you.


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