HispaCasts, Episode 15 (October 12, 2022) Alumnus Levi Vonk (Class of 2013)

By | June 5, 2023

Click the playbar below to hear the 13th episode of HispaCasts created in collaboration with Tamara Pradel from the Teaching and Learning Team.

Levi Vonk – October 12, 2022


This episode features Mr. Levi Vonk (Class of 2013)—author, photographer, current doctoral candidate in Medical Anthropology at U.C. Berkeley and Hispanic Studies alumnus. Join us as Levi delves into the fascinating connections between his studies of Spanish and his subsequent anthropological adventures in Mexico.

HispaCasts are produced by the CofC Teaching and Learning Team. To listen to other HispaCasts, please visit https://spanish.cofc.edu/about/hispacasts/index.php

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