Hispanic Studies Student Focus, November 2022: Ms. Amanda Craig (’23)

By | November 8, 2022

The HISP Student Focus for November of 2022 is Ms. Amanda Craig (Class of 2023).

A dual major in Spanish and Latin American & Caribbean Studies with a minor in Linguistics, Amanda has –much to the benefit of those around her– fully involved herself in the life of the department and its many activities, clubs and societies, including the National Spanish Honor Society, Sigma Delta Pi, of which she is currently president.

Additionally, as many of HISP’s star students do, Ms. Craig contributes as a Peer Educator within the department’s SPAN Conversation Course track, helping those taking Basic Spanish classes master the art of expression while at the same time communicating her love for the Spanish language and its many cultural expressions.

Of course, being a globally minded individual, Amanda has let her presence and her talents transcend the bounds of city, state and nation, having completed a Virtual International Internship with an Argentine company, whose focus is the promotion of sustainability and of community well-being.

Amanda is truly an impressive person whom HISP is fortunate to count among its own.

In her own words…

“The Hispanic Studies Department has been a constant positive influence in my college career from freshman year until now when I am preparing to start life after university.  It has sponsored a love for learning Spanish that began as far back as elementary school. I am a firm believer that educators are one of the most profound influencers, exemplified by my Spanish teacher within the International Baccalaureate program who solidified my desire to major in Spanish.  The Hispanic Studies Department has given me the space to be the explorer that I am and the courage to reach my full potential even when I am sometimes uncomfortable with my speaking abilities in Spanish.  Due to this optimistic push, I am now a double major in Spanish along with Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and I facilitate academic conversations in Spanish as a Peer Teacher.  Although I have not lived in La Casa Hispana due to my job as a Resident Assistant, or studied abroad past a virtual internship, I have not been limited in my opportunities in the Hispanic Studies Department.

Hispanic Studies majors can have professors twice, even three consecutive times, and this is a perfect environment to foster a close relationship with your mentors as well as the individuals within the classes that you meet again and again.  Even more, you tend to see these classmates within other classes in your course load for the semester.  A family of love and support is made, as we all grow together towards a common goal.  Because of this comradery, I participate in the activities offered by the department like the tertulias led by the Spanish Club and have no fear of going to the office hours of my professors to ask for assistance or to simply receive clarification on a topic. The professors within the department are beyond welcoming and delight in answering emails and being a help wherever they can.  They will gladly go the extra mile to help you learn Spanish and the sociopolitical contexts within Latin America and the Caribbean.  If I could give a shoutout to every HISP professor I would, but I must prioritize Dra. Garcia who is more than a professor, a friend.  She is my academic advisor for both of my majors as well as a professor of mine who supports me in every meeting we have and congratulates me on my hard work.”

One thought on “Hispanic Studies Student Focus, November 2022: Ms. Amanda Craig (’23)

  1. Devon Hanahan

    Amanda, desde tu primer dia en SPAN 202 FYE sabia que ibas a ser una parte importante de este departamento! 🙂


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