Guatemala, Not Fruitcake, for Spanish Major Dylan Kornegay

By | December 29, 2010

Dylan Kornegay in the San Francisco market outside of Xela.

Between her last final exam and Christmas Day, Undergraduate Dylan Kornegay (Spanish ’12) traveled to Guatemala to accompany her sister who is working an an essay project on women’s health issues worldwide.  During their hike through the Guatemalan mountains outside of Quetzaltenango (Xela), Dylan and her sister spent three days with indigenous families while learning about local customs, cuisine and daily life.

The Kornegay sisters also devoted one week to a Spanish school in Xela where they studied Spanish and culture five hours per day.

To conclude their trip, Dylan and her sister spent three days at Lake Atitlán, where they took painting classes from one of the local artists of San Pedro, Pito Cortéz.  They also engaged in kayaking, swimming, cliff diving, mountain biking and hiking volcanoes, all in the interest of seeing and experiencing Guatemala.

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