Courses Offered
Spring 2023
ARTH 261 Fine and Decorative Arts of Charleston 9:55-11:10 TR Patricia Dillon
ARTH 338/HPCP 338 American Vernacular Art & Material Culture 9 MWF Gilmore
BIOL 334 Herpetology TR 10:50 plus lab [Prereq: BIOL 111, 112, 211 or 213]
EDFS 201 (Multiple Sections)
ENGL 241/SOST 241 Studying Southern Literature and Cultures 12:15 TR EIchelberger
ENGL 315 Black Women Writers 11-11:50 MWF Frazier
HIST 217 African American History since 1865 MW 2-3:15 Pennebaker
HIST 222 History of South Carolina 5:30-8:15 Stockton
HIST 225 History of the South since 1865 12:15 TR Ingram
HIST 293 Intro to Public History 3:25 MW Haager
HONS 175 Honors Intro to Southern Studies 9:25 TR Eichelberger
HPCP 285 Drawing Charleston 9:25 TR Muldrow
HPCP 299 Preservation Planning Studio 2-5 M Moffatt [prereq: HPCP 199]
MUSC 222 History of Jazz (Online)
MUSC 365 Gospel Choir T 6:30-9 Weeks
RELS 270 African American Religions 9:25 TR Cressler
RELS 120 (SOST 175) Searching for the Sacred in the Art, Food, and Music of the South Express II 5:30 8:15 Bjerken
Fall & Summer 2022
SOST 200-02 Introduction to Southern Studies. Summer II Online, Prof. Adam Jordan
SOST 200-01. Fall 22 TR 1:40-3:15, Prof. Michele Moore
ANTH 306 Historical Archaeology TR 3:05-4:20
ARTH 338/HPCP 338 American Vernacular Art and Material Culture MWF 9-9:50 Prof Grant Gilmore
EDFS 201 Foundations of Education (multiple sections in F 22; one section is online in Summer II)
ENGL 313 African American Literature. Summer I, Online. Prof. Valerie Frazier
ENGL 364 Black Horror TR 12:15-1:30 Prof. Julia Mollenthiel
ENGL 477/577 Coming of Age in Southern Spaces MW 4-5:15 Prof. Julia Eichelberger For permission to register contact
ENVT 452.01 Environmental Justice Contact Dr Allison Welch for permission to register for ENVY 452. [Crosslisted with AAST 300.03, no preqs, and URST 397]
GEOL 257 Marine Geology MWF 1-2, Lab W 205 Prof. Leslie Sautter [Prereq: Geol 103/105]
HIST 210 ST: The Civil War and Reconstruction in the Atlantic World TR 3:05-4:20
HIST 210 ST: African American Sexuality from Slavery to Freedom TR 9:25-10:40 Prof Shannon Eaves
HIST 216 African American History to 1865 TR 1:40-2:55 Prof Mills Pennebaker
HIST 250 ST: Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade TR 1:40-2:55 Prof John Cropper
Pre-req for 200-level History Courses: History 115/116 or equivalent
HPCP 205 Drawing Charleston W 1-4 PM Prof Ralph Muldrow
HPCP 299 Preservation Planning Studio M 2-5 [Pre-req: HPCP 199]
MUSC 222 ST: All That Jazz. Online Summer I Prof. Yiorgos Vassilandonakis
MUSC 365 Ensemble: Gospel Choir T 6:30-9 Prof Brenten Merrill Weeks
RELS 253 Religions of Charleston TR 1:40-2:55 Prof Brennan Keegan
WGST 352 ST: Queer Friendship, Kinship, Comradeship, and Community as Liberation Praxis. MW 2-3:15 Prof. Cristina Domingez
Fall 2o2o
GEH = Counts for Gen Ed Humanities Credit
HONS 172 Introduction to Southern Studies MW 3:25-4:40 Prof Scott Peeples GEH
Equivalent to SOST 200, open only to Honors College Students: [If there is space available, non-Honors College Students may apply for permission to register. Please email if interested.]
Go beyond stereotypes in this interdisciplinary overview of the region’s diverse history & culture: music, foodways, history, architecture, pop culture, literature, religion, sports, politics . . . Course includes experiential learning & research on topic of each student’s choice,
African American Studies
AAST 270 Folklore of the African Diaspora MWF 12-12:50 Prof Kameelah Martin
Music & Jazz History
MUSC 222.04 All That Jazz: A Guided Tour of America’s Music ONLINE Prof. Yiorgos Vassilandonakis GEH
MUSC 365 01 Gospel Choir Prof. Brenten Weeks
Religious Studies
SOST 175 Religion, Art and Culture: Searching for the Sacred in Southern Art, Food, and Music GEH
2 sections. MW 4-5:15 OR TTh 1:40-2:55 Prf. Zeff Bjerken
HONS 175 Approaches to Religion [Caribbean emphasis] TR 1:40-2:55 Prof. Leonard Lowe
Art History & Historic Preservation
ARTH 338 American Vernacular Architecture & Material Culture 9-950 MWF Prof. Grant Gilmore
ARTH 339 History of American Interiors MW 3:25-4:40 Prof. William Bates
HPCP 299 Preservation Planning Studio Th 2-5 PM Prof. James Ward
Natural Science and Food Production
GEOL 257 Marine Geology 10:50-12:05 TTh; Lab W 2-5 Prof. Leslie Sautter
ENVT 452 ST: Sustainable Food Systems 10:50-12:05 Prof. Ashley Lavender
HIST 216 African American History to 1865 MWF 10-10:50 Prof. Shannon Eaves GEH
HIST 310 ST: The American Indians of the Southeast to Removal TR 1:40-2:55 Prof. Christophe Boucher GEH
HIST 323 Society and Culture of Early Charleston T 5:30-8:15 Prof. Robert Stockton GEH
HIST 210/JWST 300 ST: African Americans & Jews in U. S. History, MW 2-3:15, Prof. Ashley Walters GEH
EDFS 201 Foundations of Education [multiple sections] GEH
Charleston, Past & Present
HPCP 285 Drawing Charleston Th 2-5 PM Prof. Ralph Muldrow
GEOG 219 Reading the Lowcountry Landscape ONLINE Prof Annette Watson (If full, contact Dr Eichelberger to arrange permission to register)
FYSE 115 The Wonderful World of Real Estate According to King Street 2-3:15 Prof Elaine Worzala
FYSE 131 Presidential Elections. Made. Here. 250th MWF 9-9:50 Prof. Jordan Ragusa
Other courses with relevant content, including FYSE courses and independent studies, may also count for the minor.
If you know of a course that you think may be eligible, contact Julia Eichelberger, Program Director.
Spring 2020
SOST 200 01 Introduction to Southern Studies Prof Hayden Ros Smith Go beyond stereotypes in this interdisciplinary overview of the region’s diverse history & culture: music, foodways, history, architecture, pop culture, literature, religion, sports, politics . . . Course includes experiential learning & research on topic of each student’s choice.
HONS 281 Special Topics in Humanities: Intro to Southern Studies MW 3:25-4:40 Prof Julia Eichelberger [Equivalent to SOST 200, open only to Honors College Students]
African American Studies
AAST 300 ST: The Black Queer South MW 3-3:25 pm Prof. Antron D Mahoney
AAST 300/ENGL 364 Toni Morrison Seminar 12:15-1:30 TTh Prof. Kameelah Martin
Caribbean Culture (with connections to the US South)
LACS 200 Blake Scott Caribbean Crossroads Time TBA–taught in Cuba! Prof. Blake Scott
FREN 390 ST: The French Caribbean: Identity, Community, Language, & Envmt 10:50-12:05 Prof. Margaret Keneman
Music & Jazz History
MUSC 222 All That Jazz Online Prof. Yiorgos Vassilandonakis
MUSC 365 01 Gospel Choir
Religious Studies
RELS 250 Religion in America TR 12:15-1:30 Prof Matthew Cressler
HONS 381: ST: Black Religion and Black Nationalism 9:25-10:50 Prof. Matthew Cressler [Open only to Honors College]
Art History & Historic Preservation
ARTH 339 History of American Interiors MW 3:25-4:40 Prof. William Bates
ARTH 290 ST: African American Art MWF 10-10:50 Mary Shelley Trent
HPCP 299 Preservation Planning Studio Th 2-5 PM Prof. James Ward
HPCP 340.01 ST: How It’s Made: Trad. Materials & Manufacturing in the Built Environment MWF 10-11 Prof. Grant Gilmore
ENGL 313 African American Literature 1:40-2:55 Lisa Young
ENGL 364 Toni Morrison Seminar 12:15-1:30 TTh Prof. Kameelah Martin
ENGL 371 Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States 12-12:50 Prof. Valerie Frazier
Natural Science and Food Production
BIOL 301 Plant Taxonomy Jean Everett MWF 10-10:50
BIOL 334 Herpetology 10:50-12:05 Allison Marie Welch
GEOL 257 Marine Geology 9:25-10:40 Prof Theodore Them
ENVT 452 ST: Applied Mariculture W 12:30-5 PM Prof. Caitlyn Coker Mayer
ENVT 452 ST: Sustainable Food Systems 9:25-10:40 Prof. Ashley Lavender
HIST 210 African Americans and Sexuality from Slavery and Freedom MWF 10-10:50 Prof. Shannon Eaves
HIST 217 African American History Since 1865 MW 4-6:45 Express I Prof. Bernard Powers
HIST 225 History of the South Since 1865 T 4-6:45 Prof. Tammy Ingram
HIST 304 ST: Civil War and Reconstruction 1845-1877 10:50-12:05 Prof. Adam Domby
HIST 320 ST; Charleston Architecture T 5:30-8:15 Prof. Robert Stockton
HONS 392 ST: Voice and Memory: Exploring the Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement Prof. T 2-5 PM Trisha Folds-Bennett and Marjory Wentworth [Open only to Honors College Students]
ECON 360 01 ST: Tourism & the Gambling Industry MTWRF 08:30 am-12:00 pm Douglas Walker 05/13-05/31 BCTR 320
EDFS 201 Foundations of Education [multiple sections]
Charleston, Past & Present
FYSE 111 Beyond the Grave: What Old Cemeteries Tell and Teach the Living M 6-8:45 Prof Patrick Harwood
FYSE 115 The Wonderful World of Real Estate According to King Street MW 3:25-4:40 Prof Elaine Worzala
For Students Completing the Southern Studies Program
SOST 400 Southern Studies Capstone 3:05-4:20 TTh, Express I Prof. Julia Eichelberger
Spring 2019 Course Offerings
AAST 280 Intro to African American Music TR 10:50 am-12:05 pm Prof. Mari Crabtree
AAST 300-05 Africana Womanhood and Migration Narratives TR 01:40 pm-02:55 pm Prof. Mari Crabtree
ARTH 338 American Vernacular Architecture & Material Culture MWF 09:00 am-09:50 am Prof. Richard Gilmore
BIOL 301 Plant Taxonomy MWF 11:00 am-11:50 am (Lab M 01:00-05:00 pm) Prof. Jean Everett
BIOL 333 Ornithology F 07:30 am-10:30 am (Lab F 11:00 am-03:00 pm) Prof. Melissa Hughes
BIOL 334 Herpetology TR 10:50 am-12:05 pm (Lab T 12:10 pm-04:10 pm) Prof. Allison Welch
EDFS 201-02-07 Foundations of Education (Multiple Sections)
ENGL 313 African American Literature MWF 12:00 pm-12:50 pm Prof. Valerie Frazier
ENGL 190 Obstinate Daughters: Women and Social Justice in the 19th & 20th Centuries TR 9:25 am – 10:40 am Prof. Jesslyn Collins-Frohlich
ENGL 350-02 Major Authors: Eudora Welty’s Life and Art TR 12:15 pm-01:30 pm Prof. Julia Eichelberger
ENGL 364-01: Race, Health, and Environmental Justice: The Politics of Housing MWF 1-1:50 pm – Prof. Lisa Young
HIST 217 African American History since 1865 MWF 01:00 pm-01:50 pm Prof. Shannon Eaves
HIST 320 ST: Modern Charleston T 06:00 pm-08:45 pm Prof. Robert Stockton
HPCP 299-01 Preservation Planning Studio M 02:00 pm-05:00 pm Prof. James Ward
HPCP 299-02 Preservation Planning Studio R 02:00 pm-05:00 pm Prof. James Ward
HTMT 310-01 Current Topics in HTMT: Current Issues in Charleston Tourism W 05:30 pm-08:15 pm Prof. Michael Seekings
LACS 200-01 Special Topics: Talking Trash and Wasting Time: A Carribean Ecology MWF 3:00-3:50 Prof. Christine Garcia
LING 290 ST: A View of American English Dialects TR 09:25 am-10:40 am Prof. Elizabeth A Martinez-Gibson
MUSC 222-04 ST: Like a Rolling Stone: History and Development of Rock Music ONLINE Prof. Yiorgos Vassilandonakis
MUSC 365 Ensemble: Gospel Choir TBA Prof. Brenten Merrill Weeks
RELS 298 Special Topics in Religious Studies: Global Evangelicalism MWF 01:00 pm-01:50 pm Prof. Leonard Lowe
SOST 200 Intro. to Southern Studies TR 01:40 pm-02:55 pm Prof. Tammy Ingram
SOST 400 Southern Studies Capstone Proj TR 03:05 pm-04:20 pm Prof. Julia Eichelberger
Fall 2018 Course Offerings
- AAST 300-01 The Life and Writings of James Baldwin T 4:00-6:45 – Prof. Mari Crabtree
- ARTH 338 American Vernacular Architecture & Mat Cul MWF 9:00-9:50 – Prof. R. Grant Gilmore
- ARTH 396 The Architecture of Memory: Memorials, Monuments, Museums MW 2-3:15 – Prof. Nathaniel Walker
- BIOL 338 Entomology TR 10:50-12:05 (Lab F 1:00-5:00 – Prof. Brian Scholtens
- EDFS 201-01-06 Foundations of Education (Multiple Sections)
- MW 11:00-12:15 – MW 12:30-1:45 –TR 9:25-10:40 – TR 10:50-12:05 –TR 1:40-2:55 – R 4:00-6:45
- ENGL 313 African American Literature MW 4:00-6:45 – Prof. Kameelah Martin
- ENGL 360 Coming of Age in the South TR 10:50-12:05 – Prof. Julia Eichelberger
- GEOG 219 Reading the Lowcountry Landscape Online – Prof. Annette Watson
- GEOL 213 Natural Hazards MWF 10:00-10:50 – Prof. Steven Jaume’
- GEOL 257 Marine Geology TR 10:50-12:05 (Lab-01 T 1:45-4:45, Lab-02 W 2:00-5:00) – Prof. Leslie Reynolds Sautter
- HPCP 285 Drawing Charleston W 1:00-4:00 – Prof. Ralph Muldrow
- HPCP 299-01 Preservation Planning Studio M 2:00-5:00 – Prof. James Ward
- HPCP 299-02 Preservation Planning Studio R 2:00-5:00 – Prof. James Ward
- HIST 210 (JWST 315) Southern Jewish History TR 3:05-4:20 – Prof. Shari Rabin
- HIST 216-02 African American History to 1865 MWF 10:00-10:50 – TBA
- HIST 320 Charleston Architecture T 6:00-8:45 – Prof. Robert P. Stockton
- JWST 315 (HIST 210) Southern Jewish History TR 3:05-4:20 – Prof. Shari Rabin
- MUSC 222-02 Like a Rolling Stone: History & Development of Rock Music Online – Prof. Yiorgos Vassilandonakis
- MUSC 365 Ensemble: Gospel Choir – TBA – Prof. Brenten Weeks
- RELS 298-02 Black Atlantic Religions MWF 1:00-1:50 – Prof. Leonard Lowe
- SOST 200 Intro to Southern Studies TR 1:40-2:55 – Prof. Julia Eichelberger
Summer 2018 Course Offerings
- ARTH 333 Trad Design & Pres in Charleston (Maymester 5/14-5/29) MTWRF 8:30-12:00 – Prof. Ralph Muldrow
- ARTH 290 Architecture & Urbanism of the Lowcountry (5/14-5/29) MTWRF 8:30-12:00 – Prof. Nathaniel Walker
- ECON 360 The U. S. Casino Industry (Maymester 5/14-5/29) MTWRF 8:30-12:00 – Prof. Doug Walker
- EDFS 201 Foundations of Education (Summer I 6/1-6/28) MTWRF 2:45-4:45
- ENGL 313 African American Literature – (Extended Summer 5/14-6/25) Online – Valerie Frazier
- ENGL 362 American Regionalism (Extended Summer 5/14-6/25) Online – Prof. J Michael Duvall
- HIST 225 History of the South since 1865 (Maymester 5/14-5/29) MTWRF 8:30-12:00 – Prof. Tammy Ingram
- MUSC 222-01 All That Jazz: A Guided Tour of America’s Music (Maymester 5/14-5/29) Online – Prof. Yiorgos Vassilandonakis
- MUSC 222-02 Like a Rolling Stone: History & Development of Rock Music (May 5/14-5/29) Online – Prof. Yiorgos Vassilandonakis
- MUSC 222-02 Like a Rolling Stone: History and Development of Rock Music (Summer I 6/1-6/28) Online – Prof. Yiorgos Vassilandonakis
- RELS 250 Religion in America (Maymester 5/14-5/29) Online – Prof. Leonard Lowe
Spring 2018 Course Offerings
- ARTH 338 American Vernacular Art & Material Culture MWF 9:00-9:50 – Prof. Grant Gilmore (Prereq: permission of instructor OR 6 hrs ARTH courses OR ARTH 299 OR HPCP 199)
- BIOL 301 Plant Taxonomy (4) MWF 10:30-11:20, L M 105 – Prof. Jean Everett
- BIOL 333 Ornithology (4) M 11:00-3:00, L M 7:30-10:30 – Prof. Melissa Hughes
- BIOL 334 Herpetology (4) TR 11:20-12:35, L T 12:40-4:40 – Prof. Alison Welch
- EDFS 201 Foundations of Education (3) (TR 8:00-9:15, 9:25-10:40 – Prof. Jon Hale; MW 9:25-10:40, TR 12:15-1:30 – Prof. Reid Adams; T 5:00-7:45 – Prof. Faye Hicks-Townes)
- ENGL 313 African American Literature (3) MWF 9:00-9:50 – Prof. Valerie Frazier (Prereq: ENGL 110)
- ENGL 315 Black Women Writers (3) TR 12:15-1:30 – Prof. Kameelah Martin (Prereq: ENGL 110)
- ENGL 341 Literature of the American South, 1900-Present (3) MW 2:00-3:15 – Prof. Julia Eichelberger (Prereq: ENGL 110)
- HIST 210-02 US Civil Rights Movement (3) MWF 1:00-1:50 – Prof. Bernard Powers (Prereq: HIST 115-116 or equivalent)
- HIST 217 African American History Since 1865 (3) MWF 12:00-12:50 – Prof. Bernard Powers (Prereq: HIST 115-116 or equivalent)
- HIST 222 History of South Carolina (3) T 6:00-8:45 – Prof. Robert Stockton (Prereq: HIST 115-116 or equivalent)
- HIST 224 History of the South to 1865 (3) TR 12:15-1:30 – Prof. Adam Domby (Prereq: HIST 115-116 or equivalent)
- HONS 381-02 Lynching in the American Imagination (3) TR 1:40-2:55 – Prof. Lisa Covert/Mari Crabtree (Prereq: HONS 121 and 122, junior standing, or consent of instructor and Honors College)
- HPCP 290-01 Classical Tradition in Architecture (3) MW 3:25-4:40 – Prof. Ralph Muldrow
- HPCP 290-02 Interpretation in Historic Preservation (3) W 2:00-5:00 – Prof. James Ward
- HPCP 299 Preservation Planning Studio (3) M 2:00-5:00 (sec 01), R 2:00-5:00 (sec 02) – Prof. James Ward (Prereq: HPCP 199 or instructor permission)
- LACS 200 Afro-Cuba: A Cultural & Intellectual Revolution (3) MW 3:25-4:40 – Prof. Matthew Pettway
- MUSC 365 Gospel Choir (1) TBA – Prof. Brenten Weeks
- RELS 370 Colonialism, Freedom, & African American Religions (3) TR 10:50-12:05 – Prof. Matthew Cressler
- SOST 200 Introduction to Southern Studies (3) MW 3:25-4:40 – Prof. Julia Eichelberger (Prereq: ENGL 110)
Fall 2017 Course Offerings
- SOST 200 Introduction to Southern Studies (3) MW 3:25-4:40 Julia Eichelberger (Prereq: ENGL 110)
- ARTH 338 American Vernacular Architecture and Material Culture (3) MWF 10:00-10:50 Richard Grant Gilmore (Prereq: permission of instructor OR 6 hrs ARTH courses OR ARTH 299 OR HPCP 199)
- COMM 380 Sport in the South (3) TR 1:50-2:55 Vince Benigni (Prereq: 3 hrs in COMM, or permission of chair who welcomes SOST students)
- EDFS 201 Foundations of Education (3) Multiple sections (Prereq: sophomore standing)
- ENGL 313 African American Literature (3) MWF 10:00-10:50 Valerie Frazier (Prereq: ENGL 110)
- ENGL 363 Charleston Writers (3) TR 1:40-2:55 Julia Eichelberger (Prereq: ENGL 110)
- GEOL 257 Marine Geology (4) TR 10:50-12:05 Leslie Sautter (Prereq: GEOL 103 & 105, or HONS 155 & 156, or permission of instructor)
- HIST 216 African American History to 1865 (3) 12:00-12:50 MWF Bernard E Powers (Prereq: History Gen Ed req, HIST 115-116 or equivalent)
- HIST 304 US History Civil War-Reconstruction (3) MW 2:00-3:15 Adam Domby (Prereq: HIST 115-116 or equivalent)
- HIST 323 Society & Culture of Early Charleston (3) T 6:00-8:45 Robert Stockton (Prereq: HIST 115-116 or equivalent)
- HIST 366 Comparative Slavery in the Americas (3) MWF 1:00-1:50 Bernard Powers (Prereq: HIST 115-116 or equivalent)
- HPCP 290 Drawing Charleston W 1:00-4:00 (3) Ralph Muldrow
- HPCP 299 Preservation Planning Studio (3) M 2:00-5:00 James L Ward (Prereq: HPCP 199 or instructor permission)
- HONS 381 A People’s History of Charleston and the Civil Rights Movement (3) TR 9:25-10:40 Jon Hale (Prereq: HONS 121 and 122, junior standing, or consent of instructor and Honors College)
- MUSC 365 Ensemble: Gospel Choir (1) T 6:30-8:00 PM Brenten Merrill Weeks
- POLI 330 Southern Politics (3) TR 9:25-10:40 Gibbs Knotts
- RELS 270 African American Religions (3) TR 1:40-2:55 Matthew Cressler