Want to take a course focused on the South? There’s a wide range of upcoming course offerings to choose from. (Here’s more info about each course, including pre-requisites and meeting times.)

Students in SOST 200 learn about piazzas from Dr. Nathaniel Walker
For an interdisciplinary look at the region’s history and culture and a chance to do your own research on a topic of your choice, consider taking Intro to Southern Studies. This interdisciplinary course counts toward the Humanties General Education requirement and is a requirement for the Southern Studies minor, but open to all interested students (prereq=ENGL 110).
Plenty of upcoming courses focus on the region and the Lowcountry: Society and Culture of Early Charleston (History) ~ History—Civil War and Reconstruction (History) ~ Southern Politics (Political Science) ~ Traditional Design and Preservation in Charleston (Art History) ~ Sport in the South (Communication) ~ Charleston Writers (English) ~ Reading the Lowcountry Landscape (Geography) ~ A People’s History of Charleston and the Civil Rights Movement (Honors) ~ Interfaith Atlanta Across the Color Line (Religious Studies)
You can also learn about the region in courses that don’t have “Southern” or “Charleston” in the title, but that still count towards the Southern Studies minor: Foundations of Education (Education) ~ American Vernacular Art and Material Culture (Art History) ~ African American Literature (English) ~ African American History to 1865 (History) ~ Comparative Slavery in the Americas (History) ~ Marine Geology (Geology) ~ African American Religions (Religious Studies)~ Preservation Planning Studio (Historic Preservation and Community Planning)
Interested in hands-on courses? You might enjoy Gospel Choir or Drawing Charleston.
To declare a minor in Southern Studies, go to the Academic Services tab in My Charleston.
Use the What-If function on DegreeWorks to see how your prior coursework could count towards the minor.
More questions? Want to find out how a minor in Southern Studies could complement your major? Contact the Program Director, Julia Eichelberger, at eichelbergerj@cofc.edu.