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96) Sotka EE and AE Strand (in press) Heritability of host responses to parasites in marine and estuarine communities. In: Marine Disease Ecology (eds. JE Byers, JP Wares, AM Blakeslee) Oxford University Press.

95) Sotka EE, RB Carnegie, JT Carlton, L Couceiro, JA Crooks, H Endo, M Hori, M Kamiya, G Kanaya, J Kochmann, K-S Lee, L Lees, M Nakaoka, E Pante, JL Ruesink, E Schwindt, Å Strand, R Taylor, R Terada, M Thiel, T Yorisue, D Zacherl, AE Strand (in press) The genetic legacy of a global marine invader. PNAS

94) Ziegler, AJ, TM Bell, SK Berke, AE Strand, EE Sotka (in press) Multiple cryptic lineages and restricted gene flow in the decorator worm Diopatra cuprea. Marine Biology

93) Hill-Spanik KM, H Rothkopf, AE Strand, RB Carnegie, JT Carlton, Lucia Couceiro, JA Crooks, H Endo, M Hori, M Kamiya, G Kanaya, J Kochmann, K-S Lee, L Lees, M Nakaoka, E Pante, JL Ruesink, E Schwindt, Å Strand, R Taylor, R Terada, M Thiel, T Yorisue, D Zacherl, EE Sotka (in press) Exploring the impact of the widely introduced Pacific oyster Magallana gigas on the dispersal of Bonamia (Haplosporida): A global snapshot Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 

92) Haram LE, K Kinney, T Montgomery, EE Sotka, JE Byers (2025) Non-uniform consumption of a novel, non-native seaweed by native consumers. Biological Invasions (pdf)


91) Sotka EE, AR Hughes, TC Hanley, CG Hays (2024) Restricted dispersal and phenotypic response to depth in a foundation seagrass. Molecular Ecology (pdf)

90) Gross, CP et al. (2024) A latitudinal cline in the taxonomic structure of eelgrass epifaunal communities is associated with plant genetic diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography. (pdf)

89) Weatherup, E, R Carnegie, AE Strand, EE Sotka (2024) Co-phylogeographic structure in a disease-causing parasite and its oyster host. Parasitology (pdf)


88) Krueger-Hadfield SA, Oetterer AP, Lees LE, Hoffman JM, Sotka EE, Murren CJ (2023). Phenology and thallus size in a non-native population of Gracilaria vermiculophylla. Journal of Phycology. (pdf)

87) Lipinska AP, Krueger-Hadfield SA, Godfroy O, et al (2023). The Rhodoexplorer platform for red algal genomics and whole genome assemblies for several Gracilaria species. Genome Biology and Evolution. (pdf)

86) Sotka, EE, T. Bell, S. Berke. (2023) Cryptic mtDNA diversity of Diopatra cuprea (Onuphidae, Annelida) in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Biology (pdf)


85) Duffy, J. E., J. J. Stachowicz, P. L. Reynolds, K. A. Hovel, M. Jahnke, E. E. Sotka, et al. (2022) A Pleistocene legacy structures variation in modern seagrass ecosystems. PNAS 119:e2121425119 (pdf)

84) Harper, K.E., L.A. Scheinberg, K.E. Boyer, and E.E. Sotka (2022) Global distribution of cryptic native, introduced and hybrid lineages in the widespread estuarine amphipod Ampithoe valida Conservation Genetics (pdf)

83) Mounger JM, van Riemsdijk I, Boquete MT, Wagemaker CAM, Fatma S, Robertson MH, Voors SA, Oberstaller J, Gawehns F, Hanley TC, Grosse I, Verhoeven KJF, Sotka EE, Gehring CA, Hughes AR, Lewis DB, Schmid MW, Richards CL (2022) Genetic and epigenetic differentiation across intertidal gradients in the foundation plant Spartina alterniflora. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (pdf)

82) Murren, C.J. S.A. Krueger-Hadfield, A. Clark, B.A. Flanagan, L.E. Lees and E.E. Sotka (2022) Individuals from non-native populations are stronger and bigger than individuals from native populations of a widespread seaweed Biological Invasions (pdf)

81) Gross C, J.E. Duffy, K. Hovel Kevin, M. Kardish, P. Reynolds, C. Boström, K. Boyer, et al. (2022) The biogeography of community assembly: latitude and predation drive variation in community trait distribution in a guild of epifaunal crustaceans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (pdf)


80) Krueger-Hadfield, S.A., J.E. Byers, G. Bonthond, R. Terada, F. Weinberger and E.E. Sotka (2021) Minireview: Intraspecific diversity and genetic structure in the widespread macroalga Agarophyton vermiculophyllum Journal of Phycology 57:1403-1410 (pdf)

79) Zerebecki, R.A.*, E.E. Sotka*, T.C. Hanley, K.L. Bell, C. Gehring, C.C. Nice, C.L. Richards and A.R. Hughes (2021) Repeated genetic and adaptive phenotypic divergence across tidal elevation in a foundation plant species. American Naturalist 198: E152-E169 (pdf)

78) Hays, C.G., T.C. Hanley; A.R. Hughes, S.B. Truskey, R.A. Zerebecki and E.E. Sotka (2021) Local adaptation in marine foundation species at microgeographic scales Biological Bulletin 241: 16-29 (pdf)

77) Wares, J.P., A.E. Strand, and E.E. Sotka (2021) Diversity, divergence, and density: How habitat and hybrid zone dynamics maintain a genomic cline in an intertidal barnacle  Journal of Biogeography 48: 2174-2185 (pdf)

76) Bianchi, T.S., R.C. Aller, T.B. Atwood, C.J. Brown, L.A. Buatois, L.A. Levin, J.S. Levinton, J.J. Middelburg, E.S. Morrison, P. Regnier, M.R. Shields, P.V.R. Snelgrove, E.E. Sotka, R.E. Stanley (2021) What global biogeochemical consequences will marine animal–sediment interactions have during climate change? Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 9:1 (pdf)

75) Flanagan, B.A. S.A. Krueger-Hadfield, C,J. Murren, C.C. Nice, A.E. Strand, and E.E. Sotka (2021) Founder effects shape linkage disequilibrium and genomic diversity of a partially clonal invader. Molecular Ecology 30: 1962-1978 (pdf)

74) Krueger-Hadfield, S.A., B.A. Flanagan, O. Godfroy, K.M. Hill-Spanik, C.C. Nice, C.J. Murren, A.E. Strand, and E.E. Sotka (2021) Using RAD-seq to develop sex-linked markers in a haplodiplontic alga. Journal of Phycology 57:279-294 (pdf)

73) von Staats, D., T.C. Hanley, C.G. Hays, S.R. Madden, E.E. Sotka, and A.R. Hughes (2021) Intra-meadow variation in seagrass flowering phenology across depths. Estuaries and Coasts 44:325-338 (pdf)


72) Haram, L.E., E.E. Sotka, J.E. Byers (2020) Effects of novel, non-native detritus on decomposition and invertebrate community assemblage. Marine Ecology Progress Series 643:49-61 (PDF)


71) Bortolus, A. and 43 co-authors (2019) Interdisciplinary perspective shows Spartina as a distinct solid genus. Ecology 100: e02863 (PDF)

70) Hughes, A.R. T.C. Hanley, A.F.P. Moore, C. Ramsey-Newton, R.A. Zerebecki, E.E. Sotka (2019) Predicting the sensitivity of marine populations to rising temperature. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17:17-24 (PDF)

69) Byers, J.E. and E.E. Sotka (2019) Promoting invasive species to enhance multifunctionality in a native ecosystem still requires strong(er) scrutiny. Biological Invasions 21: 277-280 (authorship determined by coin toss) (PDF) – Part 2 of 2

68) Sotka, E.E. and J.E. Byers (2019) Not so fast: Promoting invasive species to enhance multifunctionality in a native ecosystem requires strong(er) scrutiny. Biological Invasions 21: 19-25 (authorship determined by coin toss) (PDF) – Part 1 of 2


67) Machado, G.B.O., F.P.P. Leite, E.E. Sotka (2018) Nutrition of marine mesograzers: integrating feeding behavior, nutrient intake and performance of an herbivorous amphipod. PeerJ 6:e5929 (PDF)

66) Haram, L.E., K.A. Kinney, E.E. Sotka, and J.E. Byers (2018) Mixed effects of an introduced ecosystem engineer on the foraging behavior and habitat selection of predators. Ecology 99:2751-2762 (PDF)

65) Lees, L.E., S.A. Krueger-Hadfield, A.J. Clark, E.A. Duermit, E.E. Sotka, C.J. Murren (2018) Tetrasporophytic thalli of the ecosystem engineer Gracilaria vermiculophylla are stronger and less nutritious than gametophytic thalli. Journal of Phycology 482: 471-482 (PDF)

64) Bippus, P.M., S.A. Krueger-Hadfield, E.E. Sotka (2018) Palatability of an introduced seaweed does not differ between native and non-native populations. Marine Biology 165: 39 (PDF)

63) Sotka, E.E., A. Baumgartner, P. Bippus, C. Destombe, E. Duermit, Endo, B. Flanagan, M. Kamiya, L. Lees, C.J. Murren, M. Nakaoka, S. Shainker, A.E. Strand, R. Terada, M. Valero, F. Weinberger and S.A. Krueger-Hadfield (2018) Combining niche-shift analysis and population genetics predicts rapid phenotypic evolution during invasion. Evolutionary Applications 11:781–793 (PDF)

62) Reynolds, P.L., J.J. Stachowicz, K. Hovel, C. Boström, K. Boyer, M. Cusson, J.S. Eklöf, B.K. Eriksson, J. Fodrie, J. Griffin, P. Jorgensen, C. Hereu, M. Hori, R. Hughes, M. Ivanov, C. Kruschel, K-S. Lee, P-O. Moksnes, M. Nakaoka, F.T. Nash, J. Olsen, M. O’Connor, N. O’Connor, R. J. Orth, F. Rossi, J. Ruesink, E.E. Sotka, R. Unsworth, M. Whalen, J.E. Duffy. (2018) Latitude, temperature and habitat complexity predict predation pressure in eelgrass across the Northern Hemisphere. Ecology 99: 29-35 (PDF)

61) Ruesink, J.L., P.L. Reynolds, C. Boström, M. Cusson, J. Douglass, J. Eklöf, A. H. Engelen, M. Hori, K. Hovel, K. Iken, P.O. Moksnes, M. Nakaoka, M.I. O’Connor, J.L. Olsen, E.E. Sotka, J.J. Stachowicz, M.A. Whalen, J.E. Duffy (2018) Form-function relationships in a marine foundation species depend on scale: a shoot to global perspective from a distributed ecological experiment. Oikos 127: 364-374 (PDF)


60) Wang, S., F. Weinberger, L. Xiao, M. Nakaoka, G. Wang, S.A. Krueger-Hadfield, E.E. Sotka,, D. Bian, M. Lenz (in press) In-situ-common-garden-assays demonstrate increased defense against natural fouling in non-native populations of the red seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla. Marine Biology 164: 193 (PDF)

59) Poore, A.G.B., S.T. Ahyong, J.L. Lowry,  and E.E. Sotka (2017) Plant feeding promotes diversification in the Crustacea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PDF)

58) Heuring, W.L., K.M. Hill-Spanik, E.E. Sotka (2017) Identifying lineages of Alpheus angulosus McClure, 2002 (Caridea: Alpheidae) in South Carolina, USA. Journal of Crustacean Biology 37: 499-502 (PDF)

57) Demko, A., C. Amsler, B. Baker, M.E. Hay, J. Long, V.J. Paul, E.E. Sotka (2017) Declines in plant palatability from polar to tropical latitudes depend on herbivore and plant identity. Ecology 98: 2312-2321(PDFDataset

56) Sotka, E.E., T. Bell, L.E. Hughes, J.K. Lowry, A.G.B. Poore (2017) A molecular phylogeny of marine amphipods in the herbivorous family Ampithoidae. Zoologica Scripta  46: 85-95 (PDF)

55) Krueger-Hadfield, S.A., C.L. Magill, N. Mieszkowska, E.E. Sotka and C.A. Maggs (2017) When invaders go unnoticed: the case of Gracilaria vermiculophylla in the British Isles. Cryptogamie Algologie (PDF)

54) Krueger-Hadfield, S.A., N.M. Kollars, A.E. Strand, J.E. Byers, S.J. Shainker, R. Terada, T.W. Greig, M. Hammann, D.C. Murray, F. Weinberger, and E.E. Sotka (2017) Genetic identification of source and likely vector of a widespread marine invader. Ecology and Evolution 7: 4432–4447 (PDF)


53) Gerstenmaier, C, S.A. Krueger-Hadfield, E.E. Sotka (2016) Genotypic diversity in a non-native ecosystem engineer has variable impacts on productivity. Marine Ecology Progress Series 556: 79-89 PDF

52) Krueger-Hadfield, S.A., N.M. Kollars, J.E. Byers, T.W. Greig, M. Hammann, D.C. Murray, C.J. Murren, A.E. Strand, R. Terada, F. Weinberger, and E.E. Sotka (2016) Invasion of novel habitats uncouples haplo-diplontic life cycles. Molecular Ecology 25: 3801-3816 PDF

51) Kollars, N, J.E. Byers, E.E. Sotka (2016) Invasive decor: An association between a native decorator worm and a non-native seaweed can be mutualistic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 545: 135-145 PDF

50) Sotka, E.E., V. Jormalainen, A.G.B. Poore (2016) The evolution of marine herbivores in response to algal secondary metabolites. In Puglisi, Becerro and Paul (eds.) Marine chemical ecology: the ecological impacts of marine natural products. CRC Press PrePrint (PDF by request)


49) Kollars, N.M., S.A. Krueger-Hadfield, J.E. Byers, T.W. Greig, A.E. Strand, F. Weinberger and E.E. Sotka (2015) Development and characterization of microsatellite loci for the haploid-diploid red seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla. PeerJ 3:e1159 PDF

48) Duffy, J.E., P.L Reynolds, C. Boström, J. Coyer, M. Cusson, S. Donadi, J. Douglass, A. Engelen, B.K. Eriksson, S. Fredriksen, L. Gamfeldt, C. Gustafsson, G. Hoarau, M. Hori, K. Hovel, K. Iken, J. Lefcheck, P-O. Moksnes, M. Nakaoka, M. O’Connor, J. Olsen, J.P. Richardson, J. Ruesink, E.E. Sotka, J. Thormar, M. Whalen, and J.J. Stachowicz (2015) Biodiversity mediates top-down control in eelgrass ecosystems: A global comparative-experimental approach. Ecology Letters 18: 696-705 PDF

47) D’Augillo, M.C., I. DeBuron, and E.E. Sotka (2015). New host record (Gobiosoma bosc, Teleostei), for Homalometron sp. (Digenea: Apocreadiidae) in the Charleston Harbor, South Carolina U.S.A. Comparative Parasitology 82: 198-203 PDF


46) Wright, J.T., J.E. Byers, J.L. DeVore and E.E. Sotka (2014) Engineering or food?  Mechanisms of facilitation by a habitat-forming invasive seaweed. Ecology 95: 2699–2706 PDF

45) Bell, T.M., A.E. Strand, E.E. Sotka (2014) The latitudinal cline in Ldh (lactate dehydrogenase) of the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus has not changed after 40 years of warming estuaries.  Journal of Heredity 105:566-571 PDF


44) Sotka, E.E. and J. Gantz (2013) Preliminary evidence that the feeding rates of generalist marine herbivores are limited by detoxification rates. Chemoecology 23: 233-240 PDF

43) Manyak-Davis, A., T.M. Bell, and E.E. Sotka. (2013) The relative importance of predation risk and water temperature in maintaining Bergmann’s rule in a marine ectotherm.  American Naturalist 182: 347-358 PDF

42) Forbey, J.S., M.D. Dearing, E. Gross, C.M. Orians, E.E. Sotka and W.J. Foley (2013) A pharm-ecological perspective of terrestrial and aquatic plant-herbivore interactions. Journal of Chemical Ecology 39:465-480 PDF

41) Craft, J.D., V.J. Paul and E.E. Sotka (2013)  Biogeographic and phylogenetic effects on feeding resistance of generalist herbivores toward plant chemical defenses. Ecology 94: 18-24 PDF

40) McCarty, A.T. and E.E. Sotka (2013) Geographic variation in feeding preference of a generalist herbivore: the importance of seaweed chemical defenses Oecologia 172:1071-1083 PDF


39) Strand, A.E., L.M. Williams, M.F. Oleksiak, and E.E. Sotka (2012) Can diversifying selection be distinguished from history in geographic clines? A population genomic study of killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) PLoS-ONE 7:e45138 PDF

38) Poore, A. G. B., A. H. Campbell, R. A. Coleman, G. J. Edgar, V. Jormalainen, P. L. Reynolds, E. E. Sotka, J. J. Stachowicz, R. B. Taylor, M. A. Vanderklift and J. Emmett Duffy (2012) Global patterns in the impact of marine herbivores on benthic primary producers. Ecology Letters 15:912-922 PDF

37) Byers, J.E., P.E. Gribben, C. Yeager and E.E. Sotka (2012) Impacts of an invasive ecosystem engineer within mudflats of the southeastern U.S. coastline. Biological Invasions 14:2587–2600 PDF

36) Sotka, E.E. (2012) Natural selection, larval dispersal and the geography of phenotype in the sea. Integrative and Comparative Biology 52: 538-545 PDF

35) Bell, T.M. and E.E. Sotka (2012) Local adaptation in adult feeding preference and juvenile performance in the generalist herbivore Idotea balthicaOecologia 170: 383-393 PDF


34) Barshis, D.J., E.E. Sotka, R.P. Kelly, A. Sivasundar, B.A. Menge, J. Barth, and S.R. Palumbi (2011).  Marine coastal upwelling and sweepstakes recruitment in the acorn barnacle Balanus glandula.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 439:139-150 PDF

33) Couceiro, L., L. López, E.E. Sotka, J.M. Ruiz, and R. Barreiro (2011) Molecular data delineate cryptic Nassarius species and characterize spatial genetic structure of N. nitidusJournal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 98: 1175-1182 PDF

32) Sotka, E.E. and P.L. Reynolds (2011) Rapid experimental shift in host use traits of a polyphagous marine herbivore reveals fitness costs on alternative hosts.  Evolutionary Ecology 25:1335-1355 PDF

31) Reynolds, P.L. and E.E. Sotka (2011) Nonconsumptive predator effects indirectly influence marine plant biomass and palatability.  Journal of Ecology 99:1272-1281 PDF

30) Long, J.D. J.L. Mitchell, and E.E. Sotka (2011) Local consumers induce resistance differentially between Spartina populations in the field.  Ecology 92:180-188 PDF


29) Whalen, K.E., E.E. Sotka, J.V. Goldstone and M.E. Hahn (2010) The role of multixenobiotic transporters in predatory marine molluscs as counter-defense mechanisms against dietary allelochemicals.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 152: 288-300 PDF

28) Sotka, E.E., A. McCarty and H.B. Giddens (2010) Are tropical herbivores more tolerant of chemically rich seaweeds than are temperate herbivores? A test of seaweed-herbivore coevolution. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 280-284. PDF


27) Cushman, E.L., N.K. Jue, A.E. Strand and E.E. Sotka (2009) Evaluating the demographic significance of genetic homogeneity using a coalescent-based simulation: a case study with gag (Mycteroperca microlepis).  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66:1821-1830 PDF

26) Sotka, E.E. and M.E. Hay (2009) Effects of herbivores, nutrient enrichment, and their interactions on macroalgal proliferation and coral growth. Coral Reefs 28: 555-568 PDF

25) Sotka, E.E., A. McCarty, N. Oakman, E. Monroe and F. Van Dolah (2009) Benthic herbivores are not deterred by brevetoxins produced by the red tide dinoflagellate Karenia brevisJournal of Chemical Ecology 38:851-859 PDF

24) Sotka, E.E.*, J. Forbey, M. Horn, A. Poore, D. Raubenheimer and K. Whalen* (2009) The emerging role of pharmacology in understanding the ecology and evolution of marine and freshwater consumers. Integrative and Comparative Biology 49: 291-313 [*equal co-authors] PDF

23) Crickenberger, S. and E.E. Sotka (2009) Temporal shifts of fouling communities in Charleston Harbor with reports of Perna viridisJournal of the North Carolina Academy of Sciences 125:78-84 PDF

22) Ayme-Southgate, A, R. Southgate, R. Philipp, E.E. Sotka, and C. Kramp (2009) The myofibrillar protein, projectin, is highly conserved across insect evolution except for its PEVK domain.  Journal of Molecular Evolution 67: 653-669 PDF

21) Sotka, E.E. and H.B. Giddens (2009) Seawater temperature alters feeding discrimination by cold-temperate but not subtropical individuals of an ectothermic herbivore. Biological Bulletin 216:75-84 PDF


20) Geller, J.*, Sotka, E.E.*, R. Kado, S.R. Palumbi, and E. Schmidt (2008) Pathways of invasion of a northeastern Pacific acorn barnacle, Balanus glandula in Japan and Argentina [* denotes equal co-authors] Marine Ecology Progress Series 258: 211-218 PDF

19) Sotka, E.E. (2008)  Clines.  In: Encyclopedia of Ecology, ed: S.V. Jørgensen.  Elsevier.

18) Sotka, E.E. and K.E. Whalen (2008) Herbivore offense in the sea: the detoxification and transport of algal secondary metabolites.  Pp. 203-228 In: Algal Chemical Ecology, ed. C. Amsler.  Springer-Verlag Berlin. PDF

17) Poore, A.G.B., N.A. Hill, and E.E. Sotka (2008) Phylogenetic and geographic variation in host breadth and composition used by herbivorous amphipods in the family Ampithoidae.  Evolution 62: 21-38 PDF


16) Couceiro, L., R. Barreiro, J.M. Ruiz and E.E. Sotka (2007) Genetic isolation-by-distance among populations of the netted dog whelk Nassarius reticulatus (L.) along the European Atlantic coastline.  Journal of Heredity 98: 603-610 PDF

15) Sotka, E.E. (2007) Restricted host use by the herbivorous amphipod Peramphithoides tea is motivated by food quality and abiotic refuge. Marine Biology 151: 1831-1838 PDF

14) Brunelle, S.A., S. Hazard, E.E. Sotka, and F.M. Van Dolah (2007) Characterization of a dinoflagellate cryptochrome blue light receptor with a possible role in circadian control of the cell cycle.  Plant Physiology 43: 509-518 PDF


13) Wares, J.P., P.H. Barber, J. Ross-Ibarra, E.E. Sotka, and R.J. Toonen (2006) Mitochondrial DNA and population size (Letter to Editor).  Science  314: 1388-1389 PDF

12) Sotka, E.E. and S.R. Palumbi (2006) The use of genetic clines to estimate dispersal distances of marine larvae.  Ecology 87:1094-1103 PDF


11) Sotka, E.E.  (2005) Invited Review: Local adaptation in host use among marine invertebrates. Ecology Letters 8: 448-459 PDF

10) Sotka, E.E. and R.W. Thacker (2005)  Do some corals like it hot?  Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20: 59-62 PDF

9) Sotka, E.E., J. Hempelmann, and C. Biermann (2005) Genetic signal of historic population expansion in the Puget Sound rockfish Sebastes emphaeus. Marine Biotechnology 7 :223-230 PDF


8) Sotka, E.E., J.P. Wares, J.A. Barth, R.K. Grosberg and S.R. Palumbi. (2004) Strong genetic clines and geographical variation in gene flow in the rocky intertidal barnacle Balanus glandula. Molecular Ecology 13: 2143-2156 PDF


7) Sotka, E.E., J.P. Wares, and M.E. Hay (2003) Geographic and genetic variation in feeding preferences for chemically-rich seaweeds  Evolution 57: 2262-2276 *Cover article PDF

6) Sotka, E.E. (2003) Genetic control of feeding preference in the amphipod Ampithoe longimanaMarine Ecology Progress Series 256:305-310 PDF


5) Sotka, E.E. and M.E. Hay (2002) Geographic variation among herbivore populations in tolerance for a chemically-rich seaweed. Ecology 83: 2721–2735 PDF

4) Sotka, E.E.*, R.B. Taylor*, M.E. Hay (2002) Tissue-specific induction of resistance to herbivores in a brown seaweed: the importance of direct grazing versus waterborne signals from grazed neighbors. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 277: 1-12 [* equal co-authors] PDF

3) Taylor, R.B.*, E.E. Sotka*, and M.E. Hay (2002) Within-plant variation in susceptibility and response to amphipod grazing in the brown seaweed Sargassum filipendula.  Oecologia 132:68-76 [* denotes equal co-authors] PDF


2) Sotka, E.E., M.E. Hay, and J.D. Thomas (1999) Host-plant specialization by a non-herbivorous amphipod: advantages for the amphipod and costs for the seaweed.  Oecologia 118:471-482 PDF

1) Miller, M.W., M.E. Hay, S.L. Miller, D. Malone, E.E. Sotka, A.M. Szmant (1999) A new method for manipulation of nutrients on coral reefs: effects of nutrients vs. herbivores on reef algaeLimnology and Oceanography 44: 1847-1861 PDF